moving the mounting of core packages from the bootstrapper to the installer. To enable this I am setting up a more complete Tcl environment before installation of those packages by sourcing procs in acs-subsite and certain init files in acs-tcl as well as redefining ad_conn. This also means that core packages have a more complete environment when/if they use post-instantiation procs.
Adding missing piece to the db upgrade of acs-kernel 4.6.1-4.7d - the callbacks were not being copied when upgrading a package through the edit package page. Changing to create or replace syntax for functions in PG (works in 7.2 and 7.1 is deprecated)
- Took out extra call to apm_package_load status- allowed calling file-watch with more than one file_id- offer a 'watch all above files' link when reloading a package- restructured the version-view page to display links more logically