• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fixed parameter

changin elements to show on list template

show planned end date, making some changes to work with filters

adding a # to the null value on the option menu

adding new parameter, increment version number to call upgrade callback

adding parameter on upgrade callback

adding parameter to choosee the default layout for the portlets

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
changing the portal layout like the one using in the sloan theme

increment version number since there are new messages in the catalog

adding messages

making changes to work without the mupltiple tag for various packages, adding two elements to the list (planned_start_date and creation date)

making changes to work with the include, removing unneccesary code

Set urls for editing default emails

Use richtext, but not htmlareA

    • -2
    • +2
use textarea not text

    • -2
    • +2
Don't use richtext

    • -2
    • +2
Adding one element to the options list with empty value

make sure notification fields are localized

fix colors in calendar view to make it readable

Create or replace index seems to work only in PG8

Moved the version up to 3.1 to differentiate from the work Alex did. Added indexes that where missing.

updated package info for 5.2.0b1

    • -2565
    • +31367
  1. … 179 more files in changeset.
Evaluting the date_part in the i18N message since it wasn't executed

Added a backlink to the project. THis should be a callback, but I need this is a task for another day

Made sure the projects portlet only shows projects you have a role in, unless you are in a community. Little bit of performacne tuning on the tasks portlet

Bugfix on check_expired_orders and moved the two procs to dotlrn-ecommerce-procs.tcl

Upgrade scripts for the view fix for fs_objects

file upgrade-5.2.0d5-5.2.0d6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

New translations

Fixed the counting. Special treatment for oracle not using the "in" statement. PLEASE TEST IT SOMEONE!!!