• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
changing from an old deprecated locale proc to using ad_conn locale

Added enabled_p flag, and upped version to 4.1

Moved the test example into the test directory.

Added news package automated tests

    • -0
    • +1472
    • -0
    • +114
Added code for optionally sourcing automated tests and associated queries.

patch download at top and bottom of patch

put download patch link top and bottom of the patch since it is easy to miss for long patches

general comments index page perf fix bug 30/patch 6

general comments index page perf fix bug 30/patch 6

removing two links (thanks Carl) from the acs-lang admin interface that were mostly used as a convenience during development

changing the return_url handling

passing return_p=t to the change locale link

    • -1
    • +1
I18N: adding two strings to message catalog that we missed previously

updated I18N instructions to reflect the new argument handling of the lookup proc

switch to ETP based project page

    • -10
    • +0
    • -16
    • +0
add etp item support

fixed the check in lang::message::register that embedded variables are not tampered with, translator mode links vastly improved by Lars - translations that can be edited have a hyperlinked green circle after them, texts with missing translations are highlighted in yellow and have a hyperlinked red star after them, now navigation (links) are not broken by translator mode being on

adding docs

    • -0
    • +96
    • -0
    • +30
    • -0
    • +16
fix more extra tables

put the box in one table instad of two. now the top part

scales with the width of the content

Replaced & with & in export_entire_form_as_url_vars. The &

expansion really should be done with ad_quotehtml by the templating

system before spitting out the HTML, not here. It causes other

trouble, e.g. double-escaping of & as in &, which causes the

URL to not work correctly.

fixed problem with warning for stop words not working

use correct style name forum-post

fix style names to not use _

making the template::expand_percentage_signs proc honor quoted percentage signs (double percentage sings) and reuse the regexp pattern from acs-lang

correcting labels of locales

adding batch editing with pagination that allows multiple messages to be translated by translator on one page, added context bar to admin ui, added HTML quoting of messages, various other minor improvements

    • -0
    • +27
    • -0
    • +106
adding a charset proc, a proc that checks that embeddded variables in messages are not messed up by translators, fixed regexp bug in the adp message catalog proc, removed caching mistake - we would reload the cache on every request (we were all wondering why our server was so slow...:-))

quoting html attribute with percentage signs so they don't look like tcl escape tags

remove unused </ul>