• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Caching of auth::authority::get_id

Added username (readonly) to form

Change label on button ; don't show required fields

Added '* required' to bottom of form, if there are required fields

Moved login-include template to packages/acs-subsite/lib

    • -0
    • +7
    • -0
    • +161
Cleaned up page by getting rid of obsolete code, mostly login stuff

Changed proc declaration style to say site_node::procname instead of enclosing everything in a namespace eval site_node { ... } block

    • -435
    • +435
Changed the <trn> tag to use new acs-lang API

Just an indentation fix

Added API for contracts and implementations

Allow service contracts to be invoked with impl_id

Added username to user page

Fixed registration and forgotten password pages

- Error handling of ad_user_new didn't work.

- Improved documentation on cc_lookup_email_user, and acs_user::get_by_username

Let login URL include username/authority_id

Code reviewed and fixed things

refactoring email verification to use new ext-auth API, fixed bug in recover-password.tcl

initial revision

i18n'ed recover-password, added text for later i18n.

added authority key

Added proper permission checks to cal-item-new and debugged permissioning.

added common strings

added new key for password recovery button

refactoring user registration to use new ext-auth API

Fixed Bug #362 (inexistent date gives error in PG)

changing avail entry for dirkg, he wasn't able to commit previously, not sure why

Removed 'Huh?' log message when calling ad_returnredirect

- Fixed the URLs to automated testing and other site-wide services

- Made the site-wide services an include template, so it can be included on the acs-subsite/www/admin/index page.

    • -0
    • +9
    • -0
    • +6
refactoring registration pages to use ext-auth API

giving Dirk (dirkg) commit rights on all packages so that he can do more noquote work before the release