• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file acs-lang.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-kernel.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2006-05-01 22:08:43 +0000

file acs-kernel.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-kernel.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2006-05-01 22:08:43 +0000

file acs-kernel.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-datetime.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-09-24 04:36:36 +0000

file acs-datetime.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-datetime.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-09-24 04:36:36 +0000

file acs-datetime.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-authentication.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2006-05-01 22:06:13 +0000

file acs-authentication.es_CO.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file acs-authentication.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2006-05-01 22:06:13 +0000

*** empty log message ***

  1. … 76 more files in changeset.
file acs-authentication.en_AU.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Added ad_conn form_counter (liberated from Greenpeace Planet), which makes

it easier to write javascript-enhanced widgets for the template form


    • -2
    • +2
Added ad_conn form_count (liberated from Greenpeace Planet work), which

simplifies the writing of javascript-enhanced template form builder


add proc doc to a bunch of procs, declare some things with explicit namespaces rather than in namespace eval, make some public things private

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
remove unused .xql files, rename a couple misnamed xql files, fix elements-display.adp to not embed lots of tcl, add some interface status things

    • -12
    • +0
    • -18
    • +0
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
tweak documentation

Somehow I managed to goober the last commit, despite having (I thought)

properly resolved merge conflicts. Oh well ...

Realized that I only need to define function args for the most verbose

form of acs_object__new, since package_instantiate_object handles

default values very nicely.

Fix bug#2298. Create content_revision__del

Move file to correct name for upgrade.

Fix bug#2298 correctly create content_revision__del

fix missing rdbms things and a few oracle or postgresisms that snuck in the wrong files

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-1.0b3-1.0b4.sql was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-09-27 04:04:04 +0000

file upgrade-1.0b3-1.0b4.sql was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-09-27 04:04:05 +0000

Add on delete cascade to dav_site_node_folder_map

file upgrade-1.0b3-1.0b4.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

adds test for acs_object_type internal consistency, proc documentation, xql files, named constraints, acs_attributes internal consistency

    • -0
    • +149
    • -0
    • +78