• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
provide "extends" entry in version array returned by apm_get_package_repository

- Provide windows compatibility for "upgrade/install" from repository.

Fixed Issues:

windows has no /dev/null,

don't use "gunzip" but "gzip -d",

gzip requires on windows -S switch,

no sh (instead of "cd DIR; tar ..." use "tar ... -C")

no mv (use "file rename" instead)

broken downloads via ns_httpopen + fcopy

reduce verbosity

updating security::locations logic to match get_https_port and not show a secure location if there is none.

deprecating ecommerce httpsModule parameter because it creates much havoc in acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl having ecommerce dependency.

removing ecommerce dependency

-substitution of * for % in value var ( var name was not defined ).

-using "i" as base_table for constructing the glob_clause when rendering yui-carrousel since the listing proc uses algo i as base_table.

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

improve wording in comment

adding another tuning suggestion in lieu of caching user specific paginated queries

- factoring out common code

- new includelet: yui-carousel

improve offsets in sprites

add option to delete users from the admin pages (acs-admin/users/one)

    • -0
    • +26
Changed apm_load_packages to load package libraries and queries in dependency

order, rather than alphabetical order.

Debugging my dependency-driven package tcl library loader code uncovered a

"bug" in "my code" that was actually a missing dependency in assessment

portlet. Being a portlet, it oughtta be dependent on new-portal, dontcha


fixing tcl syntax error

removing cache from get_regular_product_list, and adding a note about what to do instead if need be. This fixes pagination. Added pagination label

updating ecds_pagination_by_items to work with lib/pagination-bar

general UI improvements

minor fixes

adding flexible, user friendly pagination bar, particularly handy with category pages that contain many more parts than displayed

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +31
updating ecds_pagination_by_items to be more user friendly ie only using exponential pagination for large numbers of pages; also adding ecds_keyword_search_update which helps to consistently automatically populate products.search_keywords

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

    • -15
    • +15
applying fix for category-browse-subcategory to this file

updating products display to fix an offset reference error

Version bump to 1.6. Removing some dependencies.

Cleaning redundant code. Adding proc to obtain a page list from xowiki. Showing missing resources in tree structure.

    • -6
    • +7
Adding selection of resources when adding an activity