Making expanded state the default when showing threads ( js functionality ).Fixing typo in lib/forums/forums-chunk.Making "new tag" in portlet consistent with bold forum titels showedin forums index.
provide context for easier setting of return-urls. There was a problemwith internal redirects, which can be fixed by providing "original_url_and_query"in package initialize
- version 2.0 of dotlrn-xowiki applet- compelete rewrite using generic database interface of xotcl-core.- designed to work on postgres and oracle.- oo-redisign: the dotlrn-xowiki applet is implemented as object, providing install and uninstall methods
version 2.0 of xowiki-portletcompelete rewrite using generic database interface of xotcl-coreoo-redisign: xowiki_portlet and xowiki_admin_portlet are objects, providing install and install methodsimproved internationalization