Lorsm shouldn't automount when installed. Currently, it doesn't even workunless it's mounted under a dotlrn package instance!!!! Why automount aninstance that doesn't work?
Fixed a typo ... while people may complain about SCORM, I think a coursethat conforms to the standard is a "SCORM compliant" course, not a "SCORMcomplaint" course!
Recreating the trigger without recreating the view can cause a problemin a very specific case. It doesn't hurt to recreate the view (whichcalls refresh_trigger)
Made sure the version number matches the upgrade script and that the view can actually be deleted. Someone else please take a look if this is actually desired (adding the cascade), it worked on my install just fine (but I am not a heavy user...)
provide for every inlcludelet a CSS class (== xotcl class), optional CSS ids for all includeletes, new option "-show-anonymous" with possible values nothing|summary|all