• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Resolves bug #865. Switched to acs_user::get API.

fixing the replace texts in adp files with message lookups UI. Now indicating which replacements to do with checkboxes which should be more usable

Strangely this looks like a Tcl bug. In fm_pageroot_relative_path

the two variables 'match' and 'local' did not come up as their empty

default strings on my machine. (Tcl8.3 on FreeBSD) Workaround added.

Added note to replace scheduled delete with a smart tcl api for the cr.

Schedule delelte at 22:00 (although that will still be the middle of the day for someone)

Schedule delete a 1am daily instead of 86400 seconds after server starts.

corrected bad table and order clause name in helper procedure all_groups_list

adding patch that is necessary to check for the acceptance of all terms of

use during the login process.

    • -0
    • +17
making install scripts work with new install UI (one big up-front form)

adding check that install page is only executed once. Added link to the homepage at the bottom


new flags

changing the OpenACS installation so that now, you fill in all system configuration on one form up-front, click install, and everything installs, the server restarts, and you're ready to go

first version of the documentation

    • -0
    • +44

Added Files:






tcl/acknowledgement-init.tcl tcl/acknowledgement-procs.tcl

www/details.adp www/details.tcl www/index.adp www/index.tcl

www/record_response.adp www/record_response.tcl www/repent.adp

www/repent.tcl www/admin/delete.tcl www/admin/details.adp

www/admin/details.tcl www/admin/index.adp www/admin/index.tcl

www/admin/lock-accounts.tcl www/admin/reset-responses.tcl

www/admin/responses.adp www/admin/responses.tcl


added the package acknowledgement with all files to the contrib/packages dir

    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +42
    • -0
    • +13
    • -0
    • +60
    • -0
    • +17
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Remove call to inital_user_id, join on acs_objects instead..

Remove call to survey_response.initial_user_id in where clause. Join on acs_objects.

changing apm_package_install proc to not source acs-tcl libraries since they are already sourced on server startup

Removed calls to useless survey-response.initial_response_id pl/sql function. Replace with speedy nvl call.

Resolves bug #806. Users, who are self registering, will have their

locale preferences set via their ad_locale cookie, if it exists.

Fix adp variable pretty_submission_date should be pretty_submission_date_ansi

fixing typo in tcl file loading printout

Make lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached{} return the system wide

locale for non-registered users, who does not have an ad_locale cookie.

Ensure that the ad_locale cookie never expires. Oops. ;)

Fixed bug #591: bug in user-join. Also fixed the problem that if some of the segments required by the constraints were closed, you couldn't join, even if you were already a member of those segments mentioned in the constraints.

Part of the fix for bug #806: Store non-registered visitors locale

setting in a cookie (and not in a client property).

requiring tcl files (of type tcl_procs, tcl_init, test_procs, test_init, or tcl_util) to reside under package-key/tcl

Granting commit to Peter Alberer (petera) on contrib

Fixed bug #639: Constraint can't reference segment outside of the subsite.

Fixed broken install due to ref-timezones required, but acs-reference not part of initiall install set

Adding acs-reference to acs-core (required by ref-timezones)

Fixed bug #801: Buttons multirow not available inside formtemplate so edit/display modes don't work