• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Encode files URL properly (would fail if the filename had a plus sign, sharp one etc in it)

Untabify and indent

    • -132
    • +133
HTML cleanup

Fix message keys, use vars like %var% instead of

Do the uppercase in the tcl to avoid wrong messages when the grade_plural_name is stored as a message-key

Render the grade_plural_name in the tcl when is stored as a message-key to display it properly

Close unbalanced html tags

Render the message-keys in the tcl to show them in the options of a select in the form

Latest tinymce

  1. … 44 more files in changeset.
Add per widget config for tinymce.

Xpath query is not being interpreted as it supposed to ( maybe it is a tdom bug ).

Xpath query is not being interpreted as it supposed to ( maybe it is a tdom bug ).

- includelet toc: change default of ajax switch false

- make sure to open the full tree if required

- make toc more robust for missing toc levels

- add lost render() call for toc

- remove log output, change default for expanded node on category display

- minor html cleanup

    • -1
    • +1
Got rid of 'bio' attribute declared for 'user' type.

Fix use of ns_mktemp with /tmp/ hard coded. Fix case when tmp file is not cleaned up when a string is used for a file storage type

Showing resources subtree only if there is more than one for the given activity.

Make it so when clicking a aresource link, the environmnet of its activity is shown.

Missed a detail when moving bio back to person.

- name meta tag "language", not "lang"

- minor cleanup

Change default RichTextEditor to tinymce as approved in TIP #134

Fixed the upgrade script ...

Moved "bio" back to "person", but with type-specific storage. People can

fight over where such things belong on another day, for now keeping it in

"person" has the advantage that the Tcl API is 100% unchanged so moving it

to type-specific storage won't break .LRN.

- improve cache listings

- adaption for new version of wymeditor

updates for wymeditor

- new skin "compact"

- added plugins "fullscreen" and "embed"

- extended message catalog for bg fi hr

- updated to version 5rc1

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
One more upgrade ...

    • -0
    • +43
Added attributes for "user" columns "screen_name" and "username", as well as the

new "bio" column which replaces the old generic storage attribute assigned to
