• last updated 21 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added rudimentary content repository support.

Argh! "content" wants to be richtext, not text !!!

file upgrade-5.7.0d4-5.7.0d5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-7.

- update namings for current git snapshot of XOTcl 2

Don't use the encoded subject in the call to the callback

Kludge around xotcl-core for oracle, as was done earlier for PG.

1. Added "--default foo" style comments to new PL/pgSQL function parameters

because xotcl-core, rather than use the metadata created by define_function_params,

ASSIGNS SEMANTICS TO THESE SQL COMMENTS. Bah. If I truly cared about quality

I'd insist the xotcl people fix their code and do things right, but I know that

would never happen so ... kludge away.

2. xotcl-core adds CR attributes (rather than fix core). So my fixing of

core conflicts, meaning I have to kludge again. Still needs to be fixed

for oracle.

i18n and translation into spanish

Fixed to handler cookies from previous version correctly. Add back in inf max_age for session cookie when Remember Me is checked so it passes the expiration test.

Put the strict check in the wrong place.

use -strict when checking for integer as empty string returns true without it

Fix so if the session renew time is NOT included in the cookie (ie: cookies created before this fix) will be renewed

i18n and translation into spanish

Took out the huge kludge to load xotcl-core during the bootstrap process.

Package libraries are now loaded in dependency, rather than alphabetical,

order so this kludge should no longer be necessary (unless people have not

been keeping their dependencies in order, in which case they should feel

free to fix their packages ...)

Added missing quotes

Include last session renew time in ad_session_id cookie so we can compare expiration independent of validity

Don't discard session cookie if its expired, go to login handler.

Translation to spanish

Added fix to make session_id cookie persistent if you checked remember me

Localization and translation into spanish

Localization and translation into spanish

Localization and translation into spanish

Added a couple of CR revision attributes - the oracle equivalent of the

previous PG commit.

Adding a couple of attributes to make packages working with meta-data less

kludgey. PG-only with this commit, Oracle to follow.

bumped version number to 5.7.0d3

Added upgrade script to redefine a couple of plpgsql functions that fail with

later versions of PG due to tighter type checking.

i18n of the user interface

Fix call to content::type::is_content_type. Switch name is object_type not content_type

Add title to the search input since there is no label (WCAG2). Added corresponding message key and its translation to spanish.

    • -1
    • +1
Don't compute deleted messages when counting translated/untranslated messages for a locale and package