• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Views were returning dates rather than timestamps and screwing things up.

xql file display hack bug 155 patch 48 patch 49 Mark Auflick

pt_BR (portugese - Brazil) datetime locale data provided by Roberto

Accepted patch #108 which fixes bug #324

add subsite::get and subsite::get_element patch 104 Frank Nikolajsen

Made these portlets work when called from the portal package's admin page,

when community_id is undefined.

Made these portlets work when they're called from the portal package's

admin page and there's no community associated with them.

I accidently dropped a trigger create when I switched back to dropping and

creating them instead of using "create or replace function" (which doesn't

quite work in PG 7.3 unfortunately when the function's attached to a trigger)

118n modifications to survey

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  1. … 51 more files in changeset.
Andrew's cute set of procs that let you log, redirect, or filter e-mail

sent by your server (for development setups). Controllable from your

nsd.tcl config file ...

Added Andrew Grumet's cute little set of procs to allow one to modify the

behavior of ns_sendmail for various testing scenarios.

file rollout-email-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

    • -0
    • +0
committing the latest translations from the dotLRN translation server

  1. … 420 more files in changeset.
changing regexp to allow for 3 character as well as 2 character country code in catalog consistency check script

Changed current_timestamp to sysdate for oracle xql

Allowed brad (briand) to commit to contrib/packages

Another stupid problem: The upgrade script forgot to drop a temporary table

file upgrade-1.2d5-1.2d6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

Fixed a typo on bt_project__delete's call to bt_project__keywords_delete

Removed accidental double e-mail alerts to new users

Sped up the view used to build the denormalized acs_privilege_descendant_map


- Add IRC logs in reverse order so that the newest log is at the top of the page.

- Add 'current' link to latest IRC log at the top of the page.

- Add 'current' link to irc-logger for links from other sites to the latest log.

- Update documentation.

    • -0
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adding note warning about watching the file from the APM UI. Making sure db type of sqlj files is set correctly

adding note warning about watching the file from the APM UI. Making sure db type of sqlj files is set correctly

Removed Sloan weblog stuff fixing bugs 182 and 321.

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changing the new-portal create/drop scripts to conform with the naming convention package_key-create/drop.sql. This change was done by Lars on dotlrn-1-0 branch but it seems he missed doing it on head.

- Add IRC logs in reverse order so that the newest log is at the top of the page.

- Add 'current' link to latest IRC log at the top of the page.

- Add 'current' link to irc-logger for links from other sites to the latest log.

- Update documentation.

    • -0
    • +22
My previous changes caused a bunch of values to be timestamps rather than

dates, messing up links (they seemed to work but looked ugly)

changing the package-view api browsing page to get file listings from the file system instead of from db

changing the package-view api browsing page to get file listings from the file system instead of from db