• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
The date format string is constant - it is always the ANSI date format. There is no need to create a variable in TCL and then pass it on as a bind variable to the database. Instead I have hard-wired the format string into the database which means less code and maybe even slightly more efficiency.

Moved cal-item-2-procs stuff into cal-item-procs. i

Moved all procs into calendar::item namespace.

Removed unused queries.

removed unused proc calendar_public_p

removed proc calendar_update which did exactly the same as rename - but wasn't that aptly named

moved calendar_get_name into calendar namespace

removed queries that were duplicated both in tcl and in xql files.

removed obviously unnecessary comments

Removing unused files. The calendar admin interface was completely broken and replaced during the Hamburg bug bash (kudos to Lars). Most of the code in the removed files basically duplicated OpenACS code from somewhere else. Now that calendar is making proper use of OpenACS this stuff is a) not necessary anymore and b) has never worked anyway.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Removed unused queries calendar_create_private.get_user_name,calendar_public_p.check_calendar_permission

Fix bug#1308. Change default mime type to text/enhanced.

file upgrade-1.3-1.5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

file upgrade-1.5-1.6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

Moved to calendar-2-procs.tcl to calendar-procs.tcl and removed unused procs calendar_make_date, calendar_create_private, calendar_update

Register content types and subfolders for new folders. Fixes bug#1365

Added sample query to index existing items.

Recursive workflows

    • -35
    • +250
added about-sim pages

    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +16
mockup and TODO changes from walkthrough

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
removing duplicated demo data character objects

walkthrough notes and TODOs

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
adding a states portlet to the template-edit page

    • -0
    • +3
    • -0
    • +59
- Child workflows

- Tasks list

Making child-workflow export/import/clone work

Allow clearing child_role_map without setting child_workflow_id

    • -17
    • +19
Wrap clone in transaction

Check for unique name

Fixed bug creating initial action when cloning a workflow

Merged over notifications formatting bug fix from 4.6 branch

Fixed notifications formatting bug

Register content types for content revision and content_folder

to new folders.

Template engine now localizes message strings embedded within @variables@

Fixed bug where resources were reformatted after being approved.

added installation instructions for PHP and Squirrelmail

replacing use of simulation::get_object_options with simulation::object::get_object_type_options