• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Revert ajax dependency. More fix for fractional points

Fix search service contract. We handle local specifically similar to all the other local handling in acs-authenticaton

Add missing comma!

allow empty urls in form fields of type youtube_url

- bump version number to flag interface change

    • -43
    • +43
- some improved comments

- use method-name "form_object" instead of "form_id"

    • -21
    • +22
- don't show the link for "add comment" if the user is not logged in

adding deep link to expose a largely hidden feature of customer-service that is recording all outbound ecommerce system messages

revising documentation by removing or updating historical comments

removing extraneous css file

updating documentation

- added form-field type youtube_url

updating report one transaction response details

Add forceselection and events parameters for menu widget

clarifying pgrade instruction details

Add reusable search forms for ldap based auth search

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +121
Add search service contract to auth-ldap

TIP#127 Add object_id as optional parameter to acs_mail_lite::send

TIP#125 Add reusable forums for multiple authority searches

Add search service contract for acs-authenticaton. TIP#125

Removed .LRN dependencies from calendar (essentially the view include

scripts only worked from within .LRN or calendar itself). Did a bunch of

clean-up of stuff being computed by portlets that are totally ignored by the

calendar include scripts. If the semantics are wanted, they should be put

into the calendar package itself. Switched a bunch of stuff to properly use

export_vars, and to generate links inline rather than subst an awkward

template. Got rid of the use of site_node_object_map in calendar, because

calendars have a perfectly usable package_id in the data model (should really

be rewritten to use package_id in the underlying acs_objects row), and the

URLs generated by site_node_object_map are just as easily generated from this

package id. Bonus: site nodes are cached, the site_node_object_map is not.

    • -12
    • +27
  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Removed a debugging message (oops)

Add description to groups object type

TIP#126 optionally allow user to provide email, first, last name when authority does not

Add text_radio, text_checkbox, text_select form widgets to allow multple-choice other style usage

Add porlet title property to box tag.

Allow preparing single element or filter. Allow setting properties for

multiple elements (for example, hiding a list of elements.).

Fix multivar handling to acutally respect the variables you set in the

filter specification.

Preliminayr change that would allow new aggregate functions to be

defined (without changing existing behavior.) Also chaging the if

statement to check for "sum" when deciding whether or not to calculate

the sum is more clear. Add one more fix to make sure we don't try to

do math on non-numerical data.

Add code for TIP#128 Add filter_select_clause and filter_from_clause to template::list filters.

Handle grouping in CSV if data is grouped.

Add output headers so you get a reasonable filename and you can open

the results in Excel of OpenOffice.

Export element labels as CSV column headers.