• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Add course name to community name so it makes sense in an email.

Added support for variables in email templates

    • -3
    • +19
Add support for variable in email templates.

Add support for return_url. Ticket#485

fix up message keys

pass the product id so we can get more info on application confirmation page

add support to remove one participant when adding group. former behavior removes the whole group

verbiage change

add new keys for member state. pass a return url to approve and reject

add some info to show what course

Changed to correct base_url

Changed the base url as it was not needed in some cases (I think)

now made ambiguous by acs_objects.title

do not make instructors admin

commit changes in dotlrn-ecommerce catalog file to cvs

change on_mount callback to after_install callback

fix scholarship fund installation, create constraint after the cr attributes are created

added missing query in a proc

add a check if we want to show non session calendars

fixed typo in xql

we don't have a public page for attendance, just redirect to admin instead

    • -0
    • +1
we don't have a public page for expenses, just redirect to admin

Make acs_mail_lite::send doc message slightly less ambigous


1. first part of the parser

2. content repository integration

3. postgres scripts

    • -0
    • +48
    • -0
    • +29
    • -0
    • +280
    • -0
    • +133
    • -0
    • +180
    • -0
    • +419
    • -365
    • +435
    • -0
    • +209
    • -0
    • +5
    • -0
    • +6
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug when questions non-sequential sort orders are swapped.

Fix for order computation

I18n updates

Updated catalog messages

Added refunds and actual amount received

Added refunds