• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Re-removing stray 'end', introduced by victorg's commit.

Switch to RTE for richtext html editor.

commit the 20050304 version of rte from http://www.kevinroth.com/ + patches from Xarg to make it work properly on safari and degrade correctly for the richtext widget (requires that a second input box be rendered for the content type html/text/etc). Also renames the View source button to 'edit html' which is what it is and moves it top right with the other edit widgets

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  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
apply patch 654 to make cop-ui work with current head from Orzenil Silva Junior. Thanks\!

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    • +1
Check permission before deleting calendar item. Fix bug#2319. Patch#642

from Esti Alvarez

minor fix: move_name should have been move__name

upgrade to fix bug in content_folder__move and add the integer,integer version used in content_item__move; bump to 5.2.0d13. thanks daveb

fix literal backslash n in message keys; bug 2345, 2362 work needs to be done on translation as well fixed on 5.1 and head

fix literal backslash n in message keys; bug 2345, 2362 work needs to be done on translation as well

reverted previous change, resolved bug #2362. Fixed message keys containing \n manually on our system, Jeff is pinging Joel to do this programatically on the translation server. Removed ns_log Notice that were leftovers from testing the download functionality

setting to null the default parameter "package_id" in function content::template::new

Fixing line breaks returned from ad_html_text_convert. Added folder information to the notifications for parent folders as well (not very useful if you have no clue where the file was uploaded to otherwise)

Add content_folder__move function that allows rename on move. Already existed on Oracle.

patches from Simon Buckle + message key fixes

    • -0
    • +156
speeleng error

Added tsoap package to provide SOAP capabilities to OpenACS using tDOM instead of TclDOM

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Removed local keys.

use parameter::get for getting SolicitPortraitP param rather than pacakge-key which breaks with multiple subsites bug 2357 patch 653 Orzenil Silva Junior

use parameter::get for getting SolicitPortraitP param rather than pacakge-key which breaks with multiple subsites bug 2357 patch 653 Orzenil Silva Junior

Fixed download that was broken due to name => title change. Broken means relative linking within the directory did not work, if the name of the file had to be renamed due to name conflicts. Using the title instead of the file name is also more in line with the 'Once face to the customer' credo.

add some keys for the admin interface

file assessment-portlet-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

file dotlrn-assessment-procs-oracle.xql was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-05-31 23:13:08 +0000

Missing Oracle file

file dotlrn-assessment-procs-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

more error checking

    • -11
    • +23
properly perm check obj before counting it

fix string literal arg to empty_string_p

<if XXYYZZ in YY> would return true. this fixes it so the literal string has to be in there

fix message lookup