• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Oops missing ?. fixed.

Adding return_url to register links

Changed link from hosting widget to point to hosting page, not jobs page

Added directory box to community page.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Changed to order posts by last_child_post instead of posting date. This

lists the most recently active threads on the home page.

Added link to openacs.org bugtracker

add download link

html quote subject

Added link to user directory.

Added IRC chat info

use new download_get_count proc to get dls for all openacs versions in the


dd bugs link, fix bullter character so pages will validate

remove unused </ul>

take "title" class off news date

change span id to class, they are used multiple times

swap register/login links to make more sense

remove order by forum_name, we group them in the adp anyway

grab latest news regarless of package_id

display news from all package instances and show more news.

honor the max days old parameter for postings

remove home from navbar, its in context bar

fix header

remove home link

fix context and clean up header for greater browser compatibility

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
clean up templates, improve context bar handling. still more to do.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
2 things:

1) Excluded CVS Commits forum from recent postings. The package_id 3061 was hardcoded, so I hardcoded this as well figuring this page was slated as a one-off.

2) Removed the limit form the subquery (fm) and added it to the overall query. This was because the subquery would select messages that were later excluded by the where clauses. There was no messages returned from the query when CVS commits was excluded.

A general question - why was the subquery used as opposed to a straightforward join. If it was for general efficiency, moving the limit probably destroyed that. However, is the straightforward join really that expensive?

split CVS directory listings on /

removed <if> to check for number of sites. it doesn't work correctly

with the random selection.

changed method for search form from POST to GET

Now you can share the URLs resulting from a search from the search box!