• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
From tcl 8.5 on, apply is a tcl command, this has been fixed already on the core some time ago. "apply" is since then "ad_apply".

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fix for double date

Fixed error if someone logs our while viewing the sw_category_id in the blog

Made larsblogger use HTML notifications

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Got rid of the storing of the RSS feeds in the file directory as this is overkill (can be generated on the fly) *and* faces limits on the file system (especially if you have more than 32000 news feeds in your system

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Fixed internal redirect errors if we have a return URL which contains the date both in the URL as well as in the variables

Fixed multiple issues with missing date format description, categorization and others. Increased dependency

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Commiting integration of Site Wide Categories into Weblogger. While

implementing this I've also fixed numerous random bugs.

Some comments off the top of my head regarding this implementation:

* Weblogger currently doesn't take advantage of nested categories. You

can use trees that are nested but categories in those trees are

treated as if they were all flat.

* I've provided a migration script from old to new categories. The

script just copies data and doesn't delete anything. It is written

in Tcl so that it can take advantage of the APIs.

* I left the legacy categories in system. There are several reasons

for that:

- Site-Wide categories don't have short names and thus speaking

URLs are not implemented. Some people might prefer to keep

speaking URLs, especially if they don't want to break them

after migration

- Blogger-specific categories are simpler and thus easier to use.

- Having both solutions available for a while makes transition less


* I had lots of problems with Oracle port. At first I thought just

that it is slightly instable because we are working on HEAD and

categories are in flux... Only after having fixed a lot of bugs I


point it was easier to make them actually work in oracle :-)

* Actually it seems that the whole Weblogger never worked in Oracle, I

was fixing bugs such as broken filtering by date (because Oracle's

trunc() uses different format strings from PostgreSQL's date_trunc()

etc. etc.

* Juggling pieces of Tcl from .tcl to .xql (via variable and command

substitution) and pieces of SQL from .xql to .tcl (via db_map) was

fun :-)

* Implementing nested multirows (to show all categories one object is

in), in combination with included templates thought me a lot about

the templating system. One of the lessons: <multirow name="@foo@">

with variable could actually work if a bunch of bugs with variable

substitution were fixed in templating system. Until then using:

template::multirow -local -ulevel 1 upvar $foo myfoo will be


* Some extensions for db_multirow, <multiple> and friends to support

grouping and tables-within-tables would be really useful. I didn't

dare do such large-scale hacks on db_multirow

* one-entry{tcl,adp} should be replaced with blog{tcl,adp} - after all

getting one entry is just a special case of getting many entries.

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
Added site-wide categories plus fixed the completely broken decision tree in the .vuh.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fixed bug #926

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fixed bug #926

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added support for categories

  1. … 29 more files in changeset.