• last updated 16 hours ago
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clean up summary and description information

  1. … 51 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
Bumped up version number of ecommerce, so the APM will suck in the new provides statement. Also bumped up events, and made events require the later version of ecommerce, so installing events should work.

1. Made it possible to upgrade from acs-kernel 4.6.1 to acs-kernel 4.6.2

by using the APM rather than running the upgrade script by hand from

PSQL or SQL*Plus.

2. Changed a bunch of package .info files to depend on acs-kernel 4.6.2

to force the APM to upgrade acs-kernel (and therefore the APM datamodel)

before anything else. No guarantee on this though since not all

packages properly define their dependence on the kernel, it appears.

3. Whacked the release notes to suggest people use the APM to upgrade

acs-kernel first, other package later, just for safety's sake.

4. Fixed goof-up in acs-subsite I accidently introduced.

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Make ecommerce provide itself

merge from oacs-4-6

  1. … 130 more files in changeset.
Changed the eCommerce to a singleton application.

Fixed bug 1764.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug 1810.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Made eCommerce a singleton package.

Fix for product purchase combinations.

Expired combinations are now being pruned in the scheduled procedure that calculates the combinations.

Combinations are expired when one of the products has been discontinued. For good measure purchase combinations are

also pruned when the store administrator discontinues a product.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Bug fix 1718.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Changed ecommerce package to singleton as it can only be mounted once.

Updated documentation .adp files to reflect the new site wide master template.

Removal of ec-default-master.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
The useless address confimation pages have been removied thanks to rp_internal_redirect.

Added the files introduced in the recent bug fixes.

Fixed bugs #1710, #1711 with Brad Duell's patches

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug #1689 with Brad Duell's patch

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Major overhaul:

- Replaced CyberCash with Payment Service Contract interface.

- Added Shipping Service Contract.

- Many(!) bug fixes.

- Added soft good (goods that don't require shipping) handling capacity.

- And more..

  1. … 275 more files in changeset.

1. Changed a lot of package info files to fix problems ...

2. Added Vinod's bboard patch

3. Rationalized party e-mail checking by putting a "before insert or update"

trigger on the table that lower-cases email (this was already done by the

party.new() func but at least one update missed this). Got rid of all

"lower(email) = " and "upper(email) = " checks and just made all use the

db email column directly and lower-cased Tcl vars. In this way the index

on the email column is always and consistently used without needing to

define functional indexes on the column (an EE feature for Oracle).

4. Rationalized naming of a couple of workflows and fixed a glossary PG bug

where apparently its workflow got overwritten by one from the CMS at some

point in time.

5. Made the .cmp/.dat/.frm filters in the template code usable though not

very beautiful nor exactly correct. But with practice you can use them

to debug pages in the packages/* hierarchy. I also turned these off by

default as there's no need to run these filters on a production site!

6. Performed minor surgery on templating, including adding a new

"ad_return_exception_template" that allows you to return a templated

error page and aborts the script.

7. ??? probably but I think this covers most stuff.

  1. … 74 more files in changeset.

Big clean up of checkout process, product search and many other fixes scattered throughout the package.

  1. … 37 more files in changeset.

Added the CustomerServiceEmailDescription parameter to ecommerce.info.

Removed all .xql files from the ecommerce.info file that had been cleaned up.

More nextval cleanup. Removed ns_share.

  1. … 46 more files in changeset.

Added some missing .xql files in www/admin/customer-service/

Major clean up. Mostly db_map queries and customer service stuff.

  1. … 76 more files in changeset.
Enabled the ecommerce products to the searched by the OpenFTS search.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Added products to OpenFTS Search.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Reworked category upload so that it uses the SKU rather than product_id.

fixed quotes