• last updated 4 hours ago
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fix cvs id string

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
undeclared variable in trigger bug 1769/patch 467 Dave Bauer

do not drop non-existent trigger

Change triggers to index only live revisions by Dave Bauer, 2002-09-26

triggers queue search interface to modify search index after content


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
removing duplicated upgrade script

adds some common mime types to cr_mime_types


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fixed problem with content type view insert rule - fix provided by Jun Yumog

Re-added fixes that didn't get merged in from 4.5

1) bboard-procs-postgresql.xql

2) etp-procs-oracle.xql

3) subsite/www/admin/users/new-postgresql.xql

4) SQL fix in acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/apm-create.sql

Edited the acs-kernel upgrade script that JonG initially created (PG)

Created an oracle upgrade script

Added upgrade scripts that i had written for 4.5b->4.5 back in (didn't get merged)

Update the acs-kernel .info file to 4.5.1

    • -0
    • +26
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Do not pass title to content_item__new since it forces it to create a

content revision in which to store it (and we are going to

create it ourselves as the next step).

type in constraint name cr_revisions_storage_type rather than cr_items_storage_type fixes bug 1021 patch 305

removed content_item.update_last_modified, use acs_object.update_last_modified instead

Updated .info files of all core packages to version 4.5

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Added upgrade script for CR 4.1.2->4.5

    • -0
    • +26
file upgrade-4.1.2-4.5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-5.

    • -0
    • +0
Committed Vinod Kurup's patch #1502 which fixed a file-storage bug.

Merged with the 4.5 branch (oacs-4-5 tag "don-merge-1")

  1. … 55 more files in changeset.
added function for updating last_modified time of a content_item with cascading

Applied Michael Steigman's patches 199-201, which fixes package spec/body

mismatches allowed by Oracle 8i but not by 9i.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Applied Jowell Sabino's patch #215 which fixes a problem with image deletion.

fixed 2 typos in content_revision__get_content

applied patches 130,131,132,133,134,135,137

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

1. home.tcl - applied patch from SDM to use ad_pvt_home rather than a

fixed value.

2. defs-procs.tcl - applied patch that fixed a "link within a link" problem.

3. content_item.tree_sortkey had no index (gulp!)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Replacing call to non-existent content_revision__delete_revision with a call to content_revision__delete.

Added code to make use of David Walker's wonderfully abusive hack on the

pg_proc table that showed me how to write recursive SQL functions. We now

have good use of the index on tree_sortkey when climbing the tree, woo-hoo!

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.

Changed the representation of tree_sortkeys from "text" to "bit varying".

    • -41
    • +23
  1. … 55 more files in changeset.

After importing openacs.org users, forums and messages I discovered that it

took literally several minutes to load the APM's home page. This was due

to a rather stupid subselect of the form:

select count(*)

from content_revisions r

where r.revision_id = content_item.get_latest_revision(item_id)

where item_id comes from the package versions table.

It's stupid in both PG and Oracle because get_latest_revision already

joins the latest_revision_id value from cr_items with the content

revisions table thus a simple check for a null return by get_latest_revision

would be sufficient.

It's *really* stupid in Oracle because Oracle won't use the index on

revision_id when checking NULLs so we get two sequential scans of the

cr_revisions table tucked into that one itty-bitty subquery (itself called

once for each package version in ths system).

Which explains why I hadn't noticed it while working on scalability testing

in PG - PG uses the index because its btree index structure handles NULLs.

Meaning this query only fell apart at a rate of O(log2(R)) rather than O(R)

as in Oracle (R being the number of revision objects in the system).

My solution was to rewrite the subselect using "case" rather than "count(*)"

and also to speed up get_latest_revision by having it check for NULL and

return NULL immediately rather than execute the query (in PG this is

accomplished by declaring the function "isstrict", and the executor won't

even call the function if the argument's NULL, making it REALLY fast!).

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. The PG port of apm__register_parameter had a tiny error which caused it

to not set the new parameter to its default value in any of the effected

package instances.

2. Glossary - added admin as a parent of glossary_admin so admins can admin.

3. edit-this-page PG: removed code that was written because of #1 above

4. edit-this-page Oracle: finished the datamodel port, added drop script

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

1. Fixed permissions bug in the PG version (missing OR clause in a view)

2. Added (untested thus far) site-wide-search to glossary

3. Added centralized support for importing files into the CR (either into

the filesystem or the database).

4. Fixed wp-slim. Fixed it some more. Fixed it again. It still needs

more fixing.

  1. … 54 more files in changeset.

1. Typo in the alter table in the PG version ...

2. Just folded the alter tables into the cr_folders table definition. This

is still pre-beta ...