• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removed as project-manager is now in /packages

  1. … 221 more files in changeset.
Made the project overview with the portlets use includes instead of having each portlet's HTML code in one.adp

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2275 more files in changeset.
Support for priority in PM

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Added the hiding of done tasks. Should be handled as a filter though

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Major update: releases version 2.50b1, simplified task edit page to 1 page.

Changes processes to have instances. Overhaul the UI for tasks. Allow

linking of tasks. Lots of UI improvements.

  1. … 33 more files in changeset.
UI improvements, distinguish between project and tasks by using green for

projects, blue for tasks. Minor database upgrade to allow for some UI

improvements. Release new version 2.21b1

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040712 and jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 to HEAD

  1. … 138 more files in changeset.
Added in task 'delete', with significant code from Chris Davies. Adds

in a new view for active tasks, a new column for pm_tasks that keeps

track of whether a task is deleted or not, and adds in new delete

pages. Includes upgrade scripts. There may be code that still needs to

switch to using the pm_tasks_active view, but I caught all the obvious

ones. Bump to version 2.13b2.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Show all tasks, open and closed. Highlight open tasks. I'd prefer to

shade the background, but for now, this is the next best thing.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Merged all changes over from HEAD. Further development will be on oacs-5-1.

  1. … 87 more files in changeset.
Fixes sorting and display of roles in project view page

Beginning to add project assignments. Can now view project assignments from

the project view page. Also began moving a lot of code into procs, and

util_memoized quite a few things.

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
Update to project-manager 1.05 version.

Improves integration with logger (Added parameters for logger

integration, added in admin UI pages for logger integration, add link

to logger in navbar, add in proc to get logger url)

Renamed the pm::task::dependency_options proc pm::task::options_list

(I won't change public procs in the future, promise! Next time I'll

deprecate them and so on..)

Moved some code from add-edit pages to procs.

Added ad_returnredirect messages after most form pages.

Allow you to edit logger variables when editing projects.

Took out most code from log.tcl, log.adp, etc pages (moved to logger)

Added parameter to hide subprojects

Improves appearance of admin pages.

Added a dependency on kernel 5.1, and newer logger and organizations.

Italicize the current location in the navbar

Fixed the function in project-manager-functions-create that creates

the root folder for project manager. Upgrade script included. This

allows new installs to create projects!

Added in pages that show the differences between versions of tasks and

projects. Uses a word_diff to give you a nice looking difference

between versions.

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
Merge HEAD to the 5.1 branch.

  1. … 52 more files in changeset.
Version 1.0 of project-manager. Numerous improvements and bug-fixes.

  1. … 53 more files in changeset.
merge the changes between 5.0.3 and 5.0.4 to head

  1. … 249 more files in changeset.
Project manager 1.0 alpha release. Contains logger integration, UI enhancements and fewer bugs (or newer, more interesting ones). Upgrades not supported

  1. … 58 more files in changeset.
Version 0.8 of project-manager. Processes now work as they should,

task editing fixed, began moving some functionality to /tcl

procs. Found a bug in compute_status proc that could hang the

server. Still not release-ready, but getting closer. Notifications are

broken, and Processes use an older UI than Tasks, but at least they

now work.

  1. … 45 more files in changeset.
merge of all changes on oacs-5-0 branch between tag openacs-5-0-0-final and jcd-merge-pre503 (except those in lars-blogger).

  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
Lots of changes!

First of all, one user reported that a view was breaking because

customer_id wasn't a part of the projects table. I'm trying one other

thing that might work.

Add a proc for creating tasks

Add sorting columns in list builder views

Add in status values for tasks, procs to get standard status values

Tasks page now shows own tasks by default, option to show other people's tasks.

Lots more debugging, but some of the new functionality hasn't been

tested much yet.

  1. … 36 more files in changeset.
Version 0.7d upgrade not supported (need to use the drop and create script)

Many many updates and fixes and improvements, too numerous really to mention.

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
merge of changes between oacs-5-0-0b4 and oacs-5-0-0-final to HEAD

  1. … 286 more files in changeset.
Many many updates:

Added in basic notifications (no UI) for when tasks are created

Reduced the number of pages required for task create from 3 to 2 when dependencies

are being created.

Set up ability to add dependencies between newly created tasks (checks for loops so

they don't depend on each other)

Finished adding in basic categorization. UI could be improved, but it works.

Many minor UI updates.

Added in some functions that I had neglected to commit earlier.

Note that this still has a bug in the all_users view. It should be all_users_all, I


  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
Add in categorization, add in ability to customize projects

table. Many bugfixes

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.
merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 598 more files in changeset.
Added in tasks page (to see a list of tasks assigned to you or others).

Added in data model support for project statuses.

Updated various items to get in line with 5.0

Quite a few small bugfixes.

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
Moved images to /resources directory (faster, because no permission checks).

Also changed date format on one.tcl

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Further ui updates

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
New task-add-edit works for editing (redirect afterwards doesn't yet).

Took out task-edit, because it's no longer necessary. Fixed bug with update

of project info after a task is edited.

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.