• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
noquote changes (Dirk Gomez)

    • -4
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    • -2
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  1. … 113 more files in changeset.
Wow, fixed a bug that's been here since 4.5! "number" is not a PG

datatype, switched to integer ...

merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 29 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

    • -0
    • +11
    • -4
    • +17
    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

    • -39
    • +0
    • -26
    • +0
    • -24
    • +0
    • -21
    • +0
    • -34
    • +0
  1. … 68 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

    • -477
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
    • -430
    • +0
    • -127
    • +0
    • -702
    • +0
    • -34
    • +0
  1. … 169 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 101 more files in changeset.
removing the file listings from the info files since those are no longer used by OpenACS

    • -476
    • +0
  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
moving scheduling from -procs.tcl file to the -init.tcl file where it belongs

Fixed typos so at least the datamodel will load.

1. Made it possible to upgrade from acs-kernel 4.6.1 to acs-kernel 4.6.2

by using the APM rather than running the upgrade script by hand from

PSQL or SQL*Plus.

2. Changed a bunch of package .info files to depend on acs-kernel 4.6.2

to force the APM to upgrade acs-kernel (and therefore the APM datamodel)

before anything else. No guarantee on this though since not all

packages properly define their dependence on the kernel, it appears.

3. Whacked the release notes to suggest people use the APM to upgrade

acs-kernel first, other package later, just for safety's sake.

4. Fixed goof-up in acs-subsite I accidently introduced.

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

1. Made it possible to upgrade from acs-kernel 4.6.1 to acs-kernel 4.6.2

by using the APM rather than running the upgrade script by hand from

PSQL or SQL*Plus.

2. Changed a bunch of package .info files to depend on acs-kernel 4.6.2

to force the APM to upgrade acs-kernel (and therefore the APM datamodel)

before anything else. No guarantee on this though since not all

packages properly define their dependence on the kernel, it appears.

3. Whacked the release notes to suggest people use the APM to upgrade

acs-kernel first, other package later, just for safety's sake.

4. Fixed goof-up in acs-subsite I accidently introduced.

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 33 more files in changeset.

1. Made it possible to upgrade from acs-kernel 4.6.1 to acs-kernel 4.6.2

by using the APM rather than running the upgrade script by hand from

PSQL or SQL*Plus.

2. Changed a bunch of package .info files to depend on acs-kernel 4.6.2

to force the APM to upgrade acs-kernel (and therefore the APM datamodel)

before anything else. No guarantee on this though since not all

packages properly define their dependence on the kernel, it appears.

3. Whacked the release notes to suggest people use the APM to upgrade

acs-kernel first, other package later, just for safety's sake.

4. Fixed goof-up in acs-subsite I accidently introduced.

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
Fixed bug #327: Tcl code in ADP file.

    • -1
    • +1
I've changed "timestamp" to "timestamptz" and have begun fixing some

code that used to be legal but as of PG 7.3 is not. You can no longer

subtract an integer from a timestamp but must cast to date, "timestamp"

disappeared (must use "interval" now), "datetime" disappeared ("timestamptz"),

and suchwhat.

Not done but closer than it was before ...

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
I've changed "timestamp" to "timestamptz" and have begun fixing some

code that used to be legal but as of PG 7.3 is not. You can no longer

subtract an integer from a timestamp but must cast to date, "timestamp"

disappeared (must use "interval" now), "datetime" disappeared ("timestamptz"),

and suchwhat.

Not done but closer than it was before ...

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.
I've changed "timestamp" to "timestamptz" and have begun fixing some

code that used to be legal but as of PG 7.3 is not. You can no longer

subtract an integer from a timestamp but must cast to date, "timestamp"

disappeared (must use "interval" now), "datetime" disappeared ("timestamptz"),

and suchwhat.

Not done but closer than it was before ...

    • -2
    • +2
    • -6
    • +6
  1. … 48 more files in changeset.
file upgrade-4.6-4.6.1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

A bunch of things

1. AOLserver 4.0's nsxml appears to expose a gcc bug which causes the

backwards-compatible "getattr" command to fail. I dug around nsxml

and it does appear to be a gcc bug. I changed to the proper nsxml v2


2. In the course of exploring #1 above, I realized that the calls to

dom:: Tcl XML package commands were still being executed despite

being commented out. Typical Tcl misunderstanding on someone's part.

Net effect: we were parsing all APM .info files twice, once in Tcl

and once in ns_xml! Yuk!

3. Fixed a minor notifications bug - you couldn't delete a notification

request if any unsent notifications were pending, causing the homework

package to bomb if you deleted an uploaded homework file and the prof

hadn't yet received their notification.

4. Fixed an obscure corner case in my permissions denormalization code.

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
forgot about all of the trigger work-arounds for data-change violation problem that no longer exists. Fixed now.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
forgot about all of the trigger work-arounds for data-change violation problem that no longer exists. Fixed now.

    • -17
    • +2
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
drop views and functions bug 262

    • -0
    • +11
fix current_time rather than current_timestamp bugs

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- Adds table cr_extension_mime_type_map,

- Adds function cr_filename_to_mime_type [-create] filename

- Adds function cr_create_mime_type -extension -mime_type -description

- Removes *_maybe_create_new_mime_type

- Updates acs-content-repository to 4.6.3. Ugrade scripts provided.

- Updates dependency information for several packages.

- Adds most mime types plus comprehensive list of extension to mime-typemappings.

- Maps .c .h .c++ .pl etc to text/plain

    • -3
    • +4
  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
merge Don file copy/fconfigure -binary fixes from head

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Switched to "file copy" ...

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Merged changes on HEAD over to 4-6 branch: Make acs-workflow not part of initial install