• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added dotlrn-bootstrap3-theme to modules and to dotlrn-all

added bootstrap-icons to module list

removed duplicated line

updated and sorted module aliases

add richtext-ckeditor4 module

added alias for package xowf-monaco-plugin

Added alias for package xolp

- add xowf module

- added developer-support to acs-core as decided by TIP #155

- added acs-outdated

Adding dotlrn-xowiki pkg as a module.

Changed the name of scorm-demo to scorm-simple-lms since this is the

direction in which the package is moving.

Adds ref-language to core

adds ref-countries to core

Added new scorm 2004 prototype packages

Added lorsm and news includelet alias

Added chat-includelet alias

Removed *imsld* from dotlrn-extras. It will reappear in a future release

after problems are fixed, hopefully.

alias for *eduwiki*

Oops misspelled my package name.

Added my object management work-in-progress as a module to simplify

checkout by MGH and UC3M.

karma to alvaror for planner and pages, and aliases

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Moved views from dotlrn-extras to dotlrn-all (approved at honchos for 2.5)

aliases for *learning-content* package

After all these years, noticed that acs-subsite was not part of the modules


Added layout-managed-subsite

Added acs-templating

Adding module for xowiki-portlet package.

New modules

Removed content-portlet, added layout-manager and content-includelet