• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed Data Change Violation error for PG 7.1.

In the "clone" method use fs::rename_folder instead of creating a new root folder.

pg port of dotlrn-news

pg port of news-portlet

pg port of dotlrn-faq

pg port of faq-portlet

pg port of faq

    • -0
    • +266
    • -0
    • +129
incorrect parameter to acs_object__delete. was datasource_id, should be p_datasource_id

fixed typo - faq-portlet -> faq_portlet

add a -move flag to cr_create_content_file since most common use of

this command is to take an uploaded file from /tmp and put it into

the cr and for many machines /tmp is the same partition as the

repository which means no actual file copying is required.

added outlook syncing support

fixed missing close-bracket

correct my email address.

Add GPL in license.txt.

    • -0
    • +340
fix link to PANDA, remove the "This is an early development version of OpenACS 4.x. Production use

is NOT recommended." comment since there has been a real release.

patch for missing href_forward from Gregor Obernosterer (submitted twice as patches 311, 312)

added attachments stuff

added "No Terms" block

Fix user_tab_comments view so it works on 7.2 (adds objsubid = 0)

fix bug

minor fixes

    • -2
    • +3
removed newline

remove log statements

updated info files to include postgres data model

Add a link to the enlightening (though not entirely robust) object

type browser.

fixing info file (hopefully)

use site_nodes proc to check if attachments pkg is available

added attachments support

ported to postgres
