• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
initial revision of acs-workflow-4.3

initial revision of acs-workflow-4.3

1. Modified the Javascript "check/uncheck all boxes" code in the APM

package install page so that it still works if javascript's disabled.

2. Slight rewrite of a view in bboard.

3. Skin works in OpenACS Oracle/PG - changed info file to reflect this.

4. Added clean error handling to wimpy point attachment upload page.

initial revision of acs-workflow-4.3

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
initial revision of acs-workflow-4.3

  1. … 220 more files in changeset.
initial revision of acs-workflow-4.3

  1. … 137 more files in changeset.
pass portal_id

rem lame portal_id hack

fix backlink


adding link

update underscore

create sc

forgot link

edit support

oops forgot link

shadable, hidable update

updated dynamic sql procs

Data model changes; more work to admin pages.

    • -0
    • +15
fixed problem with publising images to multiple publishing roots

    • -1
    • +1

New queryfiles for the news index page (queries were still embedded in the

.tcl file). Slight bug fix elsewhere ...

Make the site-map parameter-set page highlight parameters which have

been overridden by the ad.ini/nsd.tcl file (SDM patch #82)

fixed problem with multiple publishing roots

    • -1
    • +1
add link





