• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added API to get list of available applications

Added page to add multiple applications in one go

Added experimentational action link class

Merged posted_date and entry_date into entry_date, which is now a full timestamp

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.
Last n comments includelet for lars-blogger

    • -0
    • +5
    • -0
    • +11
Missing pieces from previous checkin of multiple ping URLs code in lars-blogger

Multiple ping URLs in lars-blogger. Currently lars-blogger can only

ping one server (typically weblogs.com) when an entry is posted. With

this change there is an admin user interface to add multiple ping URLs,

just like Movable Type, which will each be pinged when the blog is


    • -0
    • +31
    • -0
    • +18
Added link to bookmarklet and XML-RPC ping urls admin pages to admin/index.adp

in lars-blogger.

Added a feature to lars-blogger with a page that will generate a bookmarklet.

If a user drags the bookmarklet link to his or her toolbar, the

button can be used to instantly blog any page visited.

Added the tarfile to be extracted in /Library/StartupItems to allow automatic startup of Postgres on Mac OS X

Added the tarfile to be extracted in /Library/StartupItems to allow automatic startup of Postgres on Mac OS X

minor change to test commit

Removing obsolete files

Upgrade script for lars-blogger from 1.0a3 to 1.0a4

More design cleanup

Do not quote title

Improved design

Adding dotted line

- Removed old personal motivation snippet

- Added note on posting with FeedDemon

- Updated roadmap some

Get category info with an outer join instead of a separate query

Added support for metaweblog.getCategories

Reverting another merge problem: Queries removed

Make posting with default title, title_url, content work (again)

Only list enabled locales

Do not enable DB-caching on startup -- too dangerous, may cause things to break (according to Jeff)

lars-blogger: added title_url to the string sent to trackback::auto_ping

so that blogger will also auto-detect trackbacks and ping URLs that

are placed in an entry's title_url

Granting contrib to Guan

Fixed merge bug: The old code to edit an entry was ressurected, instead of the call to an API which should happen. No idea why the merge went bad.

Default to enabled -- supposedly, if you're installing developer-support, it's because you want to use it

Trackbacks are allowed with no parameters at all, bug 1282, patch 390 Guan Yang