• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file local-procs.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file upgrade-5.1.5-5.2.0a1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Fixing bugs in user merge support. Improving the process, making it more generic and now it works for acs-core. Adding the upgrade scripts for oracle and pg.

Added removed language keys again, as they were needed.

Make sure that options are correctly localized before display.

Created dummy callback procedure for use in 5.1. Added callback procs back into contact-add.tcl

    • -2
    • +13
taking up version for release

Taking up version for release

taking up the version for release

Merge changes from HEAD 070605

add 2 tables to (still deficient) drop scripts

forgot ;

forgot a ;

i18N cleanup

Added package_id to site_wide_index table

i18N updates

bugs fixes

    • -28
    • +111
removed callback procs because they break opeancs 5.1.5 installs

Added indexed_content field to the site_wide_index table. This

field will hold "textualized" content of binaries.

bug fixes

Minor graphical mods

Fixing bug: More than one default locale for Spanish and Chinese

file upgrade-5.1.4-5.1.4d1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Adding message keys for es_ES and es_GT locales

Adding message keys for es_GT and es_ES locales

taking up the version in order to load the new message keys

typo in message key

Adding message keys for es_ES locale

Adding message keys for es_GT and es_ES locale

adding message keys for es_GT and es_ES locales

Adding message keys for es_GT and es_ES locales