• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Forgot to commit the query files earlier and there were a couple of typos

in the Oracle/clob code, too.

more docs

    • -0
    • +37
    • -0
    • +19

Fixed a race condition in ad_set_client_property. Read my comment in the

code for a full explanation.

fixed 2 typos in content_revision__get_content

.info file didn't specify the fact that this package provides a calendar!

Added a Ben Adida fix from the Oracle version.

1) Updated .info file to reality

3) Changed '= null' to 'is null' test

actually, they want portlets to reappear

actually, they want portlets to reappear

actually, they want portlets to reappear

made portlet disappear if appropriate

fixing things up for when there are no FAQs

fixed up bboard portlet

fixed up bboard portlet

parameterize some UI text

added helper function

forgot to set this to the real function name

making dotlrn_research one of the default applets

    • -1
    • +2
fixed certain things for dotLRN - no breakage

initial version

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +37
    • -0
    • +117
    • -0
    • +120
    • -0
    • +25
    • -0
    • +18
rem charter/desc

took out charter

fixed up presentation

use br's

ui stuff

ul's and stuff

fixed look and feel

fixed up look and feel

small update