• last updated 12 mins ago
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initial port to postgresql

initial port to postgresql

initial port to postgresql

initial port to postgresql

restructuring directory structure for openacs porting

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
fixed up some tree queries

finished porting test-harness code

added postgresql specific test files

more porting of test-harness packages

fixed a couple of dynamic sql statements

fixed exception messages, membership_rels delete trigger and composition_rels delete trigger

Oops! My first attempt at changing a silly query using the Oracle-ism

"rownum" failed. It appears that the SQL92 variant I've replaced my

first attempt with works...

Added back db_null since it seems to be used (though of course it's used

in a non-portable way).

bootstrapper can now load either the Oracle or PostgreSQL acs-kernel

datamodel. It checks on-the-fly for which db is configured in the OpenNSD

database pools allocated to OpenACS. Only acs-kernel is correctly self-

configured at this point.

  1. … 99 more files in changeset.
more cleanup

removed more debug code

removed debug code

fixed several name conflicts

fixed name conflicts with for loop records

fixed up a bunch of typos

added new file from 4.2 beta

started this query dispatcher. Just prototypes and basic functions

for now. Nothing is expected to work yet.

    • -0
    • +204
fixed up for loops

fixed typo

fixed up a bunch of for loops

minor cleanup

fixed data-change violation on acs_privilege_hierarchy_index

fixed problem with trigger recursion function

redo of acs_privilege_hierarchy tree query tree triggers

modified acs_privilege_descendant_map to user exists instead of in