• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
major refactoring of the configure proc for correct layout changing. some refactoring of configure_dispatch. several new helper procs

    • -136
    • +267
don't cache hidden element list

fix brokeness

moved the move_to_page update query to new move_to_page proc

removing unused 3 col with header layout

added nowrap CSS for the main text of the header

The original .xql contained sysdate.

Removed " at the end of the query.

Replaced cleaned_package_key with package_key.

small fix

fix typo

andrew's tuning mods

adding some indexes

added some indexes


Performance enchancements based on our testing

added "(select acs.magic_object_id('registered_users') from dual)"

clause to registered_users view based on results from scalability testing.

Removed irrelevant calls to apm_tcl_or_sql_name_from_package_key.

added site_nodes_parent_id_idx based on results from scalability testing

changed select_non_member_clubs to use minus anti-join

removed unused admin_p checks

select_non_dotlrn_users_count query now using andrew's faster minus antijoin

added global posting history

    • -0
    • +104
    • -0
    • +70
    • -0
    • +20

Fixed dublicate Info.InputType.

added do abort

fixed name of portlet and newness tagging

added newness tagging

    • -1
    • +2
    • -0
    • +1
improved query a tad

some UI improvements i'd forgotten to commit

use ad_return where there's an error