• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
site-node-selection with an "s"


Removed a stray 'end'.

add default notifications

removing *SQL*

Adding another 'or replace'.

create -> create or replace for rolling the failed 1.0d3 -> 1.0d4 upgrade

Bugfix: converted extra 'where' to an 'and'.

Fix missing required parameter.

fixing the literal translation of "open" into Spanish

Adding first version of the package builder

    • -0
    • +36
    • -0
    • +81
    • -0
    • +37
    • -0
    • +274
  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Change get_id to return a list.

ad_get_client_property returns the default when no security session exists; ie. during install.

export more data

    • -0
    • +72
make missing svc contract give message rather than traceback

    • -8
    • +18
rollback the secret multisubsite stuff did not mean to commit

do not try to login when creating a user from the install.xml actioninstall-procs.tcl

add a display of a particular binding so you can easily track down the actual functions

don't use en_US in lc_numeric if lookup fails since when acs-lang totally borked even en_US might not be there and the admin page won't display

tweak some of the dev support css and markup

make h2 consistent with other includelets

value for param has to default to empty string since otherwise the empty value throws error in apm_required_attribute_value

throw error if no package provided and no connection

Added some new actions.

    • -4
    • +129
reset the ad_conn so we can use it during install

add help_text to form

better autoform generation and CR handling

changed attribute types

Added function to get a category from a name in a specified locale.

add the note about using filters to propigate state varibles