• last updated 21 hours ago
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Make sure the community_id is returned empty if the package could not be found or it is called outside .LRN

Fixed community admin pages to use zen layouts on install.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Zen is now installed by default.

Required changes to how the site template stuff is used to initialize dotlrn (do

NOT EVER hardwire ANYTHING into an after_instantiate callback that MIGHT SOMEDAY

want to be configurable! Sheesh!!!!). Since Selva used the same layouts as

the default new-portal layouts, we didn't run into this problem with Selva.

But I sure as hell ran into it with Zen.

Localized a couple things in Zen too.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Added upgrade to set access keys of pages with titles and access keys we

know about. People using custom page titles are own their own, unfortunately.

fixed bug 3075 on dotlrn