
Clone Tools
  • last updated 23 hours ago
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Try to find out used ports in macOS runners

GH Actions: Set an overall timeout and fix localhost resolution on macOS

Bump clang from 12 to 13

improved spelling

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
fix typo

whitespace changes

    • -72
    • +71
Provide Tcl9 compatibility after TIP #673

TIP #673 removed "trace variable", which was deprecated since the

release of Tcl 8.4. However, since Tcl does not warn about

deprecations, so it was not detected until TIP #673 removed the

command for Tcl9.

nsf:parseargs: honor "required" settings

The previous version was accepting e.g.

nsf::parseargs -asdict {



{-return_url:localurl "."}

} {}

i.e. passing empty argument list where the first two arguments are required.

Now, the error is flagged properly

provide clean compilation for current Tcl9

maintenance: reflect type change of Tcl TIP 666 (use Tcl_Size for object count in TIP 627)

::mongo::oid::gettimestamp: new API call to obtain creation timestamp from OID

whitespace cleanup

Fix workflow file

* accessor.test: Added tests to document the behaviour for internally generated per-slot accessor methods * nx.tcl (VariableSlot), properties.test: Make sure that calling delete on a single-valued property/ variable errors out, like calling add * nx.tcl (defineIncrementalOperations): Rewrite to avoid repetitive computations * nx.tcl: First take on fixing definition of incremental slot operations, in presence of custom provided ones (esp. value=delete)

* accessor.test: Added a few more tests

* accessor.test: Added tests to document the behaviour for internally generated per-slot accessor methods

* nx.tcl (VariableSlot), properties.test: Make sure that calling delete on a single-valued property/ variable errors out, like calling add

* nx.tcl (defineIncrementalOperations): Rewrite to avoid repetitive computations

* nx.tcl: First take on fixing definition of incremental slot operations, in presence of custom provided ones (esp. value=delete)

* nx.tcl: Make sure to return "switch" for object parameters via info-introspection. Added some tests.

Remove core-9-0-a3 from build array [skip ci]

Adding more test cases

Adding first tests and a tentative fix

Provided a Tcl_DupInternalRepProc() function for Tcl_ObjType "nsfParam"

Recent versions of Tcl9 call Tcl_DupInternalRepProc() for Tcl_ObjType

"nsfParam", which was a placeholder function before, leading to a

Tcl_Abort(). The provided implementation provides now a basic logic

for "duplicating" internal representations of parameter lists based on

refcounts (somewhat similar to ProcBodyDup), but it has to be tested

further, with a proper test case.

The call of the Tcl_DupInternalRepProc function happens so far during

the startup of NaviServer compiled with Tcl9. It might be necessary to

overthink the competing logics of the "canDelete" member and the

reference count. For now, the intention is to get the NaviServer +

Tcl9 regression test stop from aborting.

Unarm core-9-0-a3 builds

Updates to build matrix

Updates to build matrix

Updates to build matrix

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

cleanup after TIP 660