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  • last updated 13 hours ago
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Adding more test cases

Adding first tests and a tentative fix

Provided a Tcl_DupInternalRepProc() function for Tcl_ObjType "nsfParam"

Recent versions of Tcl9 call Tcl_DupInternalRepProc() for Tcl_ObjType

"nsfParam", which was a placeholder function before, leading to a

Tcl_Abort(). The provided implementation provides now a basic logic

for "duplicating" internal representations of parameter lists based on

refcounts (somewhat similar to ProcBodyDup), but it has to be tested

further, with a proper test case.

The call of the Tcl_DupInternalRepProc function happens so far during

the startup of NaviServer compiled with Tcl9. It might be necessary to

overthink the competing logics of the "canDelete" member and the

reference count. For now, the intention is to get the NaviServer +

Tcl9 regression test stop from aborting.

Unarm core-9-0-a3 builds

Updates to build matrix

Updates to build matrix

Updates to build matrix

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

cleanup after TIP 660

* appveyor.yml: Force use of SCP in newer OpenSSH > 9 releases, otherwise defaulting to SFTP

Fixed warnings detected with branch "disabletcl8api"

The Tcl9 native interface is based on "Tcl_Size" instead of "int", but

the default mode hides these differences via some macro-magic. Typical

such cases are API calls like:

Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, methodObj, &length);

Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, methodObj, &oc, &ov)

The macro-magic queries the size of the provided parameters and uses

the old or new interface depending on it (while hiding some more

potential problems, a compiler can detect). The branch

"disabletcl8api" removes the macro-magic and reveals the potential

problem areas, where the code is still depending on the old 32bit


This commit fixes such cases and the collateral damage.

Deactivate support of TIP 629 for the time being

When NS_TCL_HAVE_TIP629 (TIP supporting > 2^31 elements in object

vectors) is activated, Tcl defines different objProcs (Tcl_ObjCmdProc

and Tcl_ObjCmdProc2) for the old and new API, where the usage of these

depends on a cmdWrapperProc. Unfortunately, the resolving of these API

calls is performed through the wrapper via CmdWrapperInfo, which is

not exported. We have to think how to resolve these to make this

working as with prior Tcl versions.

Added missing dependency for forcing recompilation

Provide support for TIP 627 (Tcl 8.7a6+ and Tcl 9)

TIP 627 introduces support for > 2^31 elements in object vectors

(e.g., number of words in a single Tcl command). For details, see


To provide also backwards compatibility, this change uses the macros



  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
updated copyright notice

change encoding to UTF-8 to improve robustness in various Tcl9 variants (e.g. tip-657)

    • -1
    • +1
nx-zip.tcl: Added optional parameter channel to returnZipFile to ease usage in the background

Many thanks to Antonio Pisano for the suggestion!

improve spelling

    • -2
    • +2
New feature: added support for return value checker for nsf::proc

One can now specify "-returns ...." in nsf::proc commands the same way

as in nx/XOTcl2 methods.

nsf::proc ... /procName/ /arguments/ ?-returns /valueconstraint/? /body/

When return value checkers are defined, these are returned by the

usual introspection interface.

% nsf::proc ::foo {-a:integer} -returns integer {return 1}

% nsf::cmd::info definition ::foo

::nsf::proc ::foo -a:integer -returns integer {return 1}

% nsf::cmd::info returns ::foo


The regression test was extended to cover these cases.

improve spelling

improved documentation

    • -7
    • +17
improve spelling

fixed omission of checkers in graphic

    • binary
    • binary
extend Tcl9 compatibility

Fix bug, where Tcl's "string is" checker modified result, when used as a return value checker

The new code saves and restores the original result value.

The regression test was extended.

Many thanks to Antonio Pisano for pointing out this issue.

updated version number of github actions to address deprecation warning from Node.js

generalize handling of isTYPE calls by defining CHARTTYPE

The macro was developed earlier on NaviServer, and is used

in nsf for "upper", "space" and "alpha" character checkers

Provide an initializer for the new size_t field of Tcl_ObjType (Tcl 9)

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

removed TCL_OUT_LINE_COMPILE, which is removed in Tcl 9.0 (many thanks to Jan Nijtmans)