• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- adding missing "www-" prefix

- make sure, that the sec_handler's global variables are always set (also in error cases, blocked bots, etc.)

- use more consistent quoting

- Fix site-wide-status-change so it doesn't require an implicit (broken) cast to boolean

- Pass permissions context to tree-form.adp so admins of xowiki instances can create and map categories there

Bugfix: when creating a paginator, queries containing $ variables cannot be passed by name and resolved by the

internal paginator machinery, because those vars won't be available in the expected evaluation scope when calling db_map.

Probably db_map could be made more clever about this, but as a simple solution for this case I have just made so the

pagination query is computed in the caller level and passed to the paginator directly.

- improve documentation

- add nonces to script elements

- change onload attribute into proper onload handler

- add nonces to script tags

- add body handlers

    • -4
    • +4
    • -0
    • +3
- add nonces to script elements

    • -1
    • +1
- bump version number to 2.9.1d2 to cause reloading of message keys

- replace onclick handler in assessment by event listener

- replace deprecated function util_unlist by lassign

- get rid of "missing formwidget" warning

- add missing message key

- simplify quoting

- provide default title

- simplify and fix default handling

- fix invalid tcl syntax ("else if" instead of "elseif")

- get rid of MISSING FORMWIDGET: session_results_3922:session_results_3922:formbutton:edit messages

- get rid of MISSING FORMWIDGET: admin_section_3922

- replace onchange handlers in assessment by event listeners

- simplify default value handling

- pass doc(title) properly

- care about nonces

- make sure, all doc properties are always passed

- simplify quoting

- add warning in case site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id returns first of many urls

- provide index pages for service packages accessible via acs-admin/lib/service-parameters adp-include (used in on /acs-admin/)

file index.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

    • -0
    • +0
- white space change

- replace onchange handlers in dotlrn-fs by event listeners

- improve documentation

- add log entry, when listener is automatically registered