• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Support pending user applications

Create additional community_id course attribute for template section community

Added dotlrn_ecommerce_transactions table

Added support for pending user applications

Move ecommerce stuff out of admin to be accessed by normal users, add

to cart link now goes here instead of the ecommerce package

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
added sql to add the max participants custom product field, modify script to set memberpricp to 1

Fixed bug in column name of select

fixed inadvertent commit, the calendar merge related procs were not in my latest commits

Specify different CSS file with DotfolioCSS parameter

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.
Adding parameter SendErrorEmailP. This parameter indicates if an email

has to be send to the site owner whenever an error occours or not.

Check for acs kernel parameter ( SendErrorEmailP ) for sending email error or not.

Removing automatic suscription to notifications when creating a new bug.

Define specs first, then bodies.

Define specs first, then bodies.

The forums_forum package must be rebuilt as well.

The forums_forum package must be rebuilt as well.

This script was failing on Oracle. To fix I added named args to all calls and changed acs_sc_impl.new_alias to acs_sc_impl_alias.new

This script was failing on Oracle. To fix I added named args to all calls and changed acs_sc_impl.new_alias to acs_sc_impl_alias.new

The fancy update...from syntax in the PG version is not compatible with either ora8 or ora9.

The fancy update...from syntax in the PG version is not compatible with either ora8 or ora9.

Added package definition to ensure propagation of the ora9i compatibility changes. Not relevant for PG.

Added package definition to ensure propagation of the ora9i compatibility changes. Not relevant for PG.

sequence.nextval doesn't have trailing parentheses on Oracle

fix upgrade callback

set default for instructors_filter

adjust version numbers

adjust version numbers, make sure sql create script loads admin portal create

added object_id and log_id

Made sure you do not offer to create a club if it is already there

    • -6
    • +20
default task_id when creating new task

Added a catch, just in case