• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Speed up saving

    • -2
    • +13
Fixed issue with I18n strings. They should not be resolved when entered into the database

Added value_list as a possible option to postal_address

Fixed contact::employee::get by fixing the postal_address

Adding link

Fixing typo

Fixed issue with version_id vs. file_id and made sure the title is set correctly

Fixes #2744

Added pages that list pending units of study.

Small include for searching a contact directly

    • -0
    • +8
    • -0
    • +33
Fixing employee attributes

Sets the latest revision as the live revision in table cc_uos when the UoSGoLive side effect has been triggered in the closed state.

A little tiny bit of documentation for the symlink procedures

Support for symlinks

Fixed link to download of file. Now uses file_id instead of version_id

The link to the group did not work in the first place

Completed workflow integration in Curriculum Central. Notifications still need work though.

auto create a Session calendar type if it does not exist before displaying the attendance portlet

Removed search-jobid which was also depending on contacts. Added search-project which fits the szenario better.

    • -0
    • +49
    • -0
    • +21
Remove dotLRN dependency in contacts

Show open tasks by default

Minfor fixes to salutation proc

Fix bug#2715 url varibale name overwriting value of form element

Fixed problem with the groups cache. This was caching the result from the first user who happened to access it, which is bad. Now I only cached the result of the query

replacing wrong rel name for the prerequisites

Fix bugs

bugfix: join second persons table

fixed query: acs_rels -> acs_data_links

Minor bugfix

fixing typos in category mapping for offer item titles; added admin links to set categories