• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added Dirk's notes and new links on Oracle perf and certified setup

parameterize the method for bulk actions, default is get since that used to be the hard coded value

Added useful links, statspack and autotrace installation instructions etc. Needs to be worked over, revised and reviewed by Joel.

take most things out of the footer and move to sidebar; make categorization a popup

add a remove link to category::list::get_pretty_list so you can get a remove link per category in the pretty list

adds a categorization popup, category display box, a non-member index page (not hooked up yet), adds urgent questions and key docs to the index page, css tweaks

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font-size 70% is really small, made it 80% for bt_navbar

add the title for sorting to the currently sorted by column, set sort graphic alt to empty (title already on the text link), remove a class list where not needed

add some output to help diagnose error in ad_parse_html_attributes_upvar

if an item exists, unindex it first to avoid duplicate key errors, catch on the index call since if it failed the index context was not destroyed

Put functions into a search:: namespace and make most private.

Add a search::queue and search::dequeue command

define_function_args/package_exec_plsql to avoid db specific xql files.

unset datasource when finished with it.

bump to 5.2.0d2 + postgresql upgrade script.

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Added some comments

More pretty printing

Pretty printing

Addedd assessmant and section tables. Some data types should be revised

Added assessment and section tables

The categories section was duplicated twice, with the second one not coming through correctly because there was not an id= tag for it. I took out the second one. I think that's the correct one to take out. Also, the section on hierarchical queries did not have an id attribute, so I added it in.

Internet Explorer does not left align the widgets by default, which

gives it a behavior at odds with all the other browsers I've tested on

(Safari, Mozilla, etc). This is a small change that left aligns

widgets by default in all forms, which looks much better, especially

on larger forms.

Removed 'foofoo'

Added http link icon

file http.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

fixing bugs:

- when unmounting, the folder evaluation_grades_sheets was never deleted

- when displaying the grades and evaluations the radio button always was set true

- when editin grades the value of the array evaluation_ids was never set

merge some changes from 5.1, make css class .cal-day-time nowrap so you don't break between eg 1:00 AM

display of the mini-calendar was broken in month view for january (target_date was not set before it tried to construct a link using it)

Removing <center> tag, now also on oacs-5-1 branch

    • -3
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fix the back one week link for the non-portal week view

Fixed the bug with navbar no longer defaulting to showing the first tab as being selected

Removed non-sensical HURGA word

Fixed schedule portlet breakage

Fixed so it works with lars-blogger on 5.1 branch, which no longer has posted_date column