• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
missing braces in if expression in ad_return_forbidden

Added mising etp-edit.xql

- Fixed bug #789 - make presence of shutterfly links a parameter, default off.

- Bumped version to 4.6.3 so new param gets read on upgrade

adapting the user_add proc to work with the new form

making the administrator user-add page reuse the user-new include from the registration page

making the dotlrn user-add pages reuse the user-new include from acs-subsite

    • -9
    • +41
    • -105
    • +4
- Fixed bug where it tried to sum columns with a count aggregate -- only sum if sum or average

- Export empty filter vars, anyway, to allow for null filters.

breaking user new/register form out into an include that can be reused in dotlrn and Openacs admin pages

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +112
allowing the base of export_vars to have query vars in it

Dirk Gomez: bug fixes

Bumped up EventFutureLimit to 5 (see #523)

No more need for these procs as all their functionality has been moved into the view-* files

bugfixes to make calendar play nicely with calendar-portlet

Lars forced me to add a test case for util_export_vars - export with base with and without query vars

Modified the check for curriculum_bar_p. Vinod Kurup bug 840

Adding a clear: both at the start of the footer

    • -2
    • +2
typo in path to i386-glibc21-linux-env.sh

Dirk Gomez: converted portlets to use templated calendar, bug fixes

added upgrade script for index creation on start_date (see bug #634)

Removed versions multirow -- versions have moved to a separate page a long time ago

adding link to /acs-admin on dotlrn admin index page

improving error message in get_info proc

removed obsolete start_clause and end_clause.

Made developer-support auto-mount

Added 'Undecided' to patch list, and changed link in navbar to list open patches to be applied to the current version

Changed list builder so it can now work with filter values which is the empty string, and provide a special label and where clause for such null values. Used in bug-tracker's patch list (and soon also in bug-tracker)

Changed export_vars so empty values are not suppressed after all if they're specified directly in the var-spec { varname value }. Also added a test case for export_vars

Always display reload links, but not always check file status


Flush project info cache when version info changes