• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
add a bash script that updates the javascript libraries to the latest version available, currently only works with ext2 and yui for now

Conditionally support new parameters so you can login to perform an upgrade where you actually support the new parameters, specifically search_impl_id

removing creditcard_expire from receipts according to current card security practices

- reduce verbosity

reduce verbosity

Updated to reflect changes in the control panel

    • -24
    • +18
Fix the "customize logo" feature:

- use image.vuh from acs-subsite to display it instead of relaying on file storage

- Fix permissions grant (on item_id rather than revision_id)

- HTML cleanup

- localization and translation to spanish

    • -4
    • +4
- allowing multiple forms to be passed into form-usages

- renamed argument of ::xowiki::Weblog->instantiate_forms from "entries_of" to "forms"

    • -6
    • +6
    • -2
    • +11
Fix to display community logo if set. In case the community has a parent, the parent logo will be displayed unless the subgroup has its own, the default one will be displayed if none of them have set a customized logo for the header.

When searching for users to add to a dotlrn community, display all of the matching ones flaging those who are already members.

    • -11
    • +17
Add missing keys and their spanish translations.

Improve the control panel, community member pages UI (approved by honchos).

    • -75
    • +67
    • -43
    • +38
    • -4
    • +5
Remove the buggy management of portrait from bio, the portrait is handled by acs-subsite.

    • -137
    • +9
Fixed a problem with the deletion of lob.sql-based ("pseudo-lob") binary


Remove unnecessary code


- Use the author of the message as sender of the notif instead of the current user since this one may be the moderator.

- Localize notification

Refactored to use listtemplate. HTML cleanup.

    • -1
    • +5
- Better handling of disabled form fields

    • -1
    • +9
Provide upgrade script for bug 3103

Don't hard-code the encoding, rather retrieve it from the aolserver config.

- small polishing on debug messages

    • -2
    • +2
Rolling back Jeff commit. Doesn't work well with template::multirow foreach when exporting catalogs

Added missing keys

Comparing the [ns_info version] against a.b.c is not possible. Instead

I use a combination of the version and the patchlevel to be sure that

we are running on aolserver 4.5.1; in order to know if the nscache module

should be loaded or not.

Loop over the array names instead of the list to resize portrait

Don't add empty element to the context multirow, that would output an empty LI

Return to where the user came from after password changed

Added support for other sizes than "thumbnail"

HTML cleanup