• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
provide policy checking for uploading and/or renaming .js and .css files

    • -2
    • +7
corrected misspelled variable name form_d -> form_id

simplified naming conventions for ::xowiki::File (all are named now file:*, and not swf:* etc), simplified name resolution, allowing .css and .js to be included in an xowiki folder and being resolved from there

    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +14
    • -2
    • +6
    • -7
    • +37
Fixing two things I forgot

Introduced (from AIMS product by Quest) the KeepLocalTranslations Parameter which allows anyone to keep their local changes even if the merge function believes the local change should be overwritten. A conflict is raised in this case. Additionally made sure we cannot register a message to a non existent package_key. Also be a little bit more conservative when deleting message keys (so they can only be deleted from the main locale, otherwise only unregistered

Merge of lors* packages from oacs-5-3 (michele's work on the rte)

    • -9
    • +103
    • -0
    • +9
    • -0
    • +17
  1. … 68 more files in changeset.
changing <b> tag to <em> tag to meet accessibility requirements

changing <br/> to <br> to meet html transitional validation requirements

changing <br/> to <br> to meet html transitional validation requirements

removing / from <input ... /> tag to meet html transitional requirements

I missed one reference to the user_new_template in my last commit, this fixes that

UserInfoTemplate should be used instead of UserNewTemplate when at /pvt/home since we are not creeating a new user but editing the info on an existing one

Removing custom sql and instead using the tcl api to get the best revision id for pm::project::get_project_item_id

Adding no_perm_check to contacts::person::new when adding to the contacts default group since permissions checks take place before this proc is run

Adding the ability to add the opposite end of a relationship, i.e. either an employer OR an employee when creating a new contact

    • -21
    • +39
Moving context_id to be included in the form even if there are no file attachments (integration from csreurope)

update of message catalog

adjust to changes in xotcl-core, make form entry table accept more different content fields, bump version number

    • -4
    • +5
add aditional attribute to table fields (richtext), bump verison numbers to force this version

additional menu button includelet "copy"

    • -2
    • +14
set in xowiki includes the global variable ::xowiki_head

    • -0
    • +1
connection locale handling for toc and book

    • -2
    • +2
allow links ..../swf/...

    • -2
    • +3
support for local links [[//....]] for images, css and .js

    • -3
    • +23
adjust to released version of xotcl-core and xowiki

some work on locale handling in toc includelet

SQL standard (limit sentence is only for postgresql)

flag built-in methods in class browser

explain more details in the class browser

extend the class browser to show the class hierarchy