• last updated 6 hours ago
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Constraints: dates

fixed state widget call and country query


    • -0
    • +243
make get_content_items more flexible

fixed country queries

change state_widget call to ec_multiple_state_widget

fixed country code reference and state_widget call

fixed state query

fixed ns_log error. quoted the stuff after debug

fixed quotes

removed acs-geo-tables and added ref-* dependancy

removed acs-geo-tables and added dependancy to ref-*

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

query fixes to use ref-* instead of acs-geo-tables

Directory package now ready for testing. mp3jukebox is now mp3-jukebox.

  1. … 51 more files in changeset.

Tring again!

    • -0
    • +21
    • -0
    • +17
    • -0
    • +97
    • -0
    • +68

Another attempt to get this package straightened out...

    • -0
    • +98
    • -0
    • +147

Started port of directory to postgresql, fixed some acs-service-contract

Oracle glitches ...

    • -0
    • +38
    • -0
    • +56
    • -0
    • +33
*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

Hacked this some more. Yes, I know we need to get the XML docs in shape

but for now I just wanted this and other docs to look good for alpha by

at least using our logo and in the case of this file actually relevant

to the release...

Re-added this so folks can use site-wide-search until I move it over to

acs-service-contract and the new search package.

Added the fact that this package provides a service (file manager wouldn't

load due to the missing dependency).

Jonathan's patch to more gracefully handle the default root node...

Bootstrap installer was installing packages that don't work with the

current RDBMS (search vs. Oracle in particular)

    • -1
    • +0
Adding my_bookmarks_select query to index-oracle.xql

adding pretty_name for PE's

adding pretty name for portal elements

added perl MP3 module installation instructions

Fixed broken link problem identified by Steve Woodcock.

Changed documents to use our alex log rather than the aD logo, and added

dear alex to the images directory.

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
fs fix