• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Normalize indentation

    • -19
    • +19
Decouple a bit formatting from data

    • -0
    • +48
    • -26
    • +6
Give templating a chance

move all hardcoded styling to the adp template, which might be styled by the theme. Also, biring some order in the login proc, e.g. don't open and read a file to include a javascript all the time.

    • -64
    • +59
Provide tests for public procs: util_escape_quotes_for_csv

Provide tests for public procs: util_commify_number

Whitespace changes

Fix typos

Modernize XoTcl idioms

Refactor test case for util_absolute_path_p

Provide tests for public procs: util_complete_url_p

Fix doc typo

Provide tests for public procs: util_absolute_path_p

Provide tests for public procs: util::trim_leading_zeros

Trailing space cleanup

Whitespace changes

Fix typos and wording.

Whitespace changes

Fix typos and wording

Remove broken comment + Whitespace changes

Fix proc doc typo

Add editor hints + Whitespace cleanup

Mention explicitly the tested procs in the test cases.

Mention explicitly the tested procs in the test cases.

Whitespace changes

Fix uncomplete test description and simplify single -procs line.

Whitespace changes

Mention explicitly the tested procs in the test cases.

improve comments, bump version number to 5.10.0d8

more cleanup:

- remove entries from .xql

- whitespace cleanup

base group::description and group::join_policy on cached group::get