• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added some statistics

    • -0
    • +28
    • -0
    • +29
Had curly braces instead of quotes

Fixed refs to /resources/acs-subsite/spacer.gif

Fixed pagination of batch-job result list

Fixed context bar problem

Quoting the message

Default values for enabled_p and batch_sync_enabled_p

Fixed bug with batch sync always appearing disabled

Configure all parameters for an authority on a single page, to allow sharing of parameter values across implementations (useful if all the drivers talk to the same server, as is normally the case)

Shuffled around elements on the form a bit, changed Disabled to --Disabled--

Make the input field wider

UI Cleanup

Cleaned up admin pages

adding UI for setting which authority registers users

    • -0
    • +18
a number of minor improvements and fixes, mostly on the authority and authority-parameters pages

adding manual run of batch sync and parameter UI. UI improvements

    • -0
    • +10
    • -0
    • +76
Fixed help-contact-text problem on local authority

Fixed richtext issues

adding admin check on delete and disable, removing blockquotes, removing short_name from UI

committing a first draft of the Authentication admin UI. Authority parameter setting is missing from the UI. More testing is needed

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    • +16
    • -0
    • +62
    • -0
    • +15