• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- remove unbalanced tag when just objects are viewed

- mke it easier to trace origin of error message

- remove freshly introduced typo

- use subst for quoting to reduce backslashes

- fix sandwich demo with grid (missing form widget, quoting); must have been broken since years

- include peer address in ad_log message

- remove ns_share

- remove redundant definition of ad_dateentrywidget (was once defined as via "proc" and immideately later redefined via ad_proc)

- move deprecated procs to acs-outdated

- make object browser more robust

- just try to add debug-widget to nsfprocs, not on other commands

- added helper "::xowiki::get_raw_request_body" to obtain the content of the request body either -as_string or as_file (abstracts spool file handling away)

- use the name of the xowiki instance in the subscription hint

- add missing title property

- default_state should be false and not "", otherwise a tcl error will show up

- remove parens

- fix quoting in SQL

- make code more robust

- generalize hostname and port splitting in order to support IP-literal notation of RFC 3986

- add the actually configured tmpdir to the list for directories to check.

- bump version number to 5.9.1d4 for obtaining fix via "install from repo"

- fix contents of options (allow character entities)

- improve pretty printing on content-page-view

- set always token_id, when it is passed as ""

- pass doc properties

formfield hidden:

- add form-field parameter "sign" and "maxage"

- add validator that checks signed variable

- notifications: make nofication subject tailorable via

xowiki::Page method "notification_subject"

- allow specification of "piblish_status" in

xowiki::Page method "www-create-new"

- trigger notifications in "www-create-new"

    • -1
    • +27
- fix for bug #3289: add missing separator, use ds_url consistently

Pretty print comment after ad_proc rather than trying to index keywords

- remove obsolete queries

- use api instead of direct calling sql

- get rid of pesky error messages for every restart

- modernize tcl a little

- bump version number to 1.9d4

- fix info file