• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removed swiss locale. Will recommit once the release has been made

Only stream coordinators can now create units of study.

Replaced deprecated ad_require_permission with permission::require_permission proc.

Add script to send a test email to an admin

Turned into debug notices. Added correct flushing. Fixed missing formbutton error in search-contacts

Turned into debug notices

    • -3
    • +3
Fixed searching

Speed up saving

    • -2
    • +13
Fixed issue with I18n strings. They should not be resolved when entered into the database

Added value_list as a possible option to postal_address

Fixed contact::employee::get by fixing the postal_address

Adding link

Fixing typo

Fixed issue with version_id vs. file_id and made sure the title is set correctly

Fixes #2744

Added pages that list pending units of study.

Small include for searching a contact directly

    • -0
    • +8
    • -0
    • +33
Fixing employee attributes

Sets the latest revision as the live revision in table cc_uos when the UoSGoLive side effect has been triggered in the closed state.

A little tiny bit of documentation for the symlink procedures

Support for symlinks

Fixed link to download of file. Now uses file_id instead of version_id

The link to the group did not work in the first place

Completed workflow integration in Curriculum Central. Notifications still need work though.

auto create a Session calendar type if it does not exist before displaying the attendance portlet

Removed search-jobid which was also depending on contacts. Added search-project which fits the szenario better.

    • -0
    • +49
    • -0
    • +21
Remove dotLRN dependency in contacts

Show open tasks by default

Minfor fixes to salutation proc

Fix bug#2715 url varibale name overwriting value of form element