• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
use the minified version of extjs

add an alternate menu in toolbar for the menu items in the contextmenu, add support for folder sharing, the file storage package must support symlinks for folder sharing to work

localize event entries consistently in the content items locale

avoid exceptions thrown by require login

    • -2
    • +10
- fix curly braces around on-load actions

- fix loading of xinha (moved init to onload of body)

- changed name HTMLarea to Xinha in configuration calls

backport of a fix from cvs head to this branch when setting widget spec in folder object

    • -2
    • +2
HTML strict (nowrap attribute not allowed)

make querying of untrusted user id more robust

don't require to login in more cases

Add missing join

Checking that upgrade scripts modify parameters for the right package.

Modification to the oracle upgrade scripts for FS.

Import of message keys from translation server for core and .LRN packages.

This catalogs have no package version info. Check http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message%5fid=1007666

  1. … 1287 more files in changeset.
adding missing ">" and "<".

Fixed it so only the parameter from file storage package will be overwritten and not any other parameters with the same name

change error to complaint for invalid input

fix old-style widget specs, interfering with forms for files

use new style names for google sitemaps

    • -2
    • +2
align with current xowiki

    • -4
    • +4
provide a conditional test like "match" with regular expressions as well in checks of conditional policy clauses

    • -3
    • +9
    • -1
    • +29
improve documentation

support conditional match check for policy rules.

    • -4
    • +4
    • -1
    • +29
reduce verbosity, allow permission checks in conditional policy clauses ({somecondition attr permission} ...)

improving HTML compliance

    • -1
    • +2
Don't fail on poorly formed mime message. If an error occurs and the

mime tokens are not cleaned up, all subsequent calls to mime procs

will end up with mismatched mime parts.

Always treat body handlers as list. Fix focus to use identifier. There

can only be one focus.

Don't use identifier, its not needed for focus since we only call it


Fix typo, llength spelled incorrectly.

strip all kinds of possible new lines of the default values in case there is a mixup between dos and unix file end conventions

Fix namespace for add_body_handler

Fix stupid typo!

Greek catalogs for dotlrn

    • -0
    • +20
  1. … 31 more files in changeset.