• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Catalogs of message keys from translate.openacs.org

only for local es_ES.

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  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
Adding to acs-5-2 branch, message key catalog files from translation server

for acs-core packages, dotlrn-all packages and dotlrn-extras


    • -0
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    • +13
  1. … 967 more files in changeset.
Reverted all changes from Mannheim

    • -65
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    • -57
    • +0
  1. … 208 more files in changeset.
Mannheim update, fix and merge bugbash

    • -0
    • +65
  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Mannheim update, fix and merge bugbash

    • -0
    • +57
Catalog files form translate.openacs.org for packages NOT included

in the OpenACS Core

    • -0
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    • +14
  1. … 679 more files in changeset.
Minor fixes to the linking and dealing with funny servers that return file not found with error code 200

fix type and move na_items_item_id sequence create statement up before na_items table create statement

Catalogs from translate.openacs.org

for pacakges NOT included in the OpenACS Core

    • -1
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    • +9
  1. … 1080 more files in changeset.
fix bug uncovered by this poster: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=404567; bump version and tag

convert to localtime and sort in DB (much, much faster index page); releasing v1.0.1

bump to version 1.0 and tag the last couple of updates (critical to feed updates) as openacs-5-2-compat

update todo

tidy up error handling, return codes and proc comments

add location to ad_returnredirect

bump version and update todo

watch out for case when source title is nil

always set item_blog_url, save_url and unsave_url (checks as to whether to display or not are done in the adp); pass -- to string_truncate to be safe; pass user_id to permission_p

fix bug in subscriptions move/copy feature that appears when user can write to exactly 2 aggregators; fix link on index page; bump version to 1.0a

coupla simple changes to index page if conditions

bump version number in .info

straightened out grouping issue in display (ran into the old issue detailed here - http://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/bug?bug%5fnumber=428); backing out maltes upgrade script change as it doesn't break anything and will create inconsistent data model - portlet should really be updated to fix the issue; tagging for rel v0.9.9

    • -0
    • +66
Removed deletion of package_id otherwise any upgrade is screwed

fixed display issue with group tag by separating the two cases (one source/multiple sources to display) into to includible chunks

updated todo

remove debugging for multiple group by; drop title column for na_sources (not used by UI plus part of acs_objects with 5.2) and made user_id optional for source::new; still need to deal with the group by issue on index page - now, the first grouping (pub date) is not applied when there is only one source (source_id being the second grouping

some basic tests for aggregator and source apis

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    • +61
lots of little tweaks for data cleanup on uninstantiate, some more UI work, bug fixes, etc.; added daveb's sweeper proc; not tagging v0.9.8 just yet though

    • -0
    • +75
    • -2
    • +9
  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
thought about puting off adding back the constraints a few version until we're pretty sure anyone out there with older versions has had a chance to get through earlier upgrades but then thought better of it

    • -0
    • +3
thought about puting off adding back the constraints a few version until we're pretty sure anyone out there with older versions has had a chance to get through earlier upgrades but then thought better of it

    • -3
    • +0