• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
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- adding ad-one to view/edit/delete Ads. Need to take its functionality

and move to /lib as a template so it can be used in www and www/admin.

- Fixed bug in caterogies where it gathered custom fields belonging

to children of a category, when it should get from itself and any

parent category.

- Fixed noquote bug in index.

- Fixed bug in categories cookie trail.

- Updated documentation.

- Added -limit switch to get_assigned and get_unassigned ads to allow

for restricted number of ads to pull.

- Index page now uses list-builder (thanks Lars!!). I have to figure out

how to have dynamically-built -elements for LB.

- Fixed bug in ads query

- Fixed wrong call to Tcl functions

- Fixed link in index.adp

Many of these problems exist because I lost code in a hard drive crash

a few months ago when developing the package.

Got rid of spaces after / in lines. Fixes #1348.

clean up some of the summary and description data.

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.