
Clone Tools
  • last updated 13 hours ago
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backport of autoname fix from nsf

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- created own directory structure xotcl under library containing doc, tests, apps, lib etc. and moved obvious content here. - adjusted regression test and old documentation system to work with new structure

  1. … 404 more files in changeset.
- changed prefix from "::next::" to "::nx"

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
- namespace changes: mostly due to marketing reasons, the naming of the top-level namespace changed from "xotcl2" to "next". reasons: xotcl is hard to pronounce for beginners, sounds like "exotic" (but who wants to program in an exotic language) has a certain stigma of strange namings (e.g. "instproc"), is seen as a precursor of tcloo, the top-level namespace ::xotcl2:: is not very nice either, the separation of framework and language is not clear.

We have now:

::next (the new object system, former ::xotcl2)

::next::core (framework, primitives)

::xotcl (former xotcl1)

- "::xotcl::use" no longer needed, use Tcl standard mechanisms instead

(e.g. "package req next"; "package req XOTcl", "namespace import ::next*")

  1. … 48 more files in changeset.
- xotcl 1.6.6: make sure to load always xotcl 1 versions when needed - xotcl 1.6.6: make compilation clean when compiled with assertions on

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
- updating tcl.m4 in version 1.6.6 to the actual verison (TEA 3.7)

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- remove dependency from xotcl1 in handling of forwarders in method "copy" - further cleanup using "CONST char *", improving on naming conventions

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- keep variables defined from an CMETHOD frame local to this frame (e.g. initcmd, -nonleaf option, ...); previously variables without xotcl resolver prefix were defined globally - fix regression test according to previous item - generalize nonXotclObjectProcFrame() and rename it to activeProcFrame()^

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
* provide compatibility with 8.6b1

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- made error messages for failed conversions more consistent (note that tcl does not provide the parameter name in the error message, but user-defined converters do)

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
- refactor Slot class hierarchie - new methods in ObjectParameterSlot "toParameterSyntax" and "createFromParameterSyntax" - some more cleanup - removed legacy syntax for "-parmeters"

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- making methodDefinitions NULL terminated - passing optional arg to user-defined argument converter - refuse to redefine type converters for a single parameter - adding regression test for parameters

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- added option "objectsystems" to ::xotcl::configure to obtain the currently defined object systems - added option "baseclass" to ::xotcl::is to check, whether a class is a baseclass of an object system (root class or root meta-class of object system) - changed result of "... info methods -methodtype scripted" to return only truely scripted methods (no aliases) - some more cleanup in regression tests - first version of serializer for xotcl1 + xotcl2

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- changed resultss of "filtersearch" and "self next" to new naming Caveat: for xotcl1, there is no mapping for the names to the old style in "self next" and "self filterreg" - backwards compatible mapping of filterseach in xotcl1

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- added experimental flag for alias "-noleaf" to force a stack frame to be written (e.g. necessary for "next"). makes only sense for aliases to c-implemented cmds

- fix inconsistent behaviour of dotVarResolver

"o eval {set .x 1}" was setting var ".x" instead of "x"

The problem was due to a interaction between

the namespace varResolver() and the DotVarResolver()

- fix for DotCmdResolver during compilation of a proc by Tcl.

- extended regression text

- found 2 potential bugs (not fixed yet)

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- changed assertions: old (xotcl1) interface: 3 methods + 3 info methods * <object> check Options * <object> info check * <object> invar Conditions * <object> info invar * <class> instinvar Conditions * <class> info instinvar

new (xotcl2) interface: 1 cmd (similar to ::xotcl::relation)

::xotcl::assertion check|object-invar|class-invar ?arg?

- added emulation for xotcl1

- deleted namespecific C macros:

isInfoString, isInstinvarString, isInvarString, isInstprocString, isProcString

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- get rid of rst->deallocCalled (not needed due to reference counting on xotcl objects) - reduce verbosity

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- added existence test for slot extractor (needed for 8.5.8) - added refcounting CallStackDoDestroy() to ensure existance of object until end of function - make sure to call PrimitiveDestroy() before DeleteCommandFromToken(), otherwise e.g. unset traces on this object cannot be executed - regression test works again

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- added refounting in ObjectDispatch() to make sure, obj survives until the end of the function

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- turned "setter" method into a command "::xotcl::setter" with the same interface like "::xotcl::alias" - removed flag -per-object from XOTclCForwardMethod - require "object" to be followed directly by either method defining command or info, etc. (use "public object method" instead of "object public method")

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
- Definition of method modifiers "public", "protected" and "object" - all method-creating methods ("method", "alias", "forward", "setter") return now the fully qualified method names - extending 50 regression tests fpr method modifiers - Make "unknown" for ::xotcl2::Class" to raise an error instead of warning. Otherwise, protected class-level methods would create objects with the name of protected methods. Other option: make calls to protected methods raise an error, instead of calling "unknown"

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- changed in xotcl-core "method" into "object-method" and "class-method", provided scripted definition for method in xotcl2 - removed "setter" from methods in xotcl1 - defined xotcl1 methods in terms of "proc" and "instproc"

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- changed "info methods" (without defined, as defined in xotcl1) into "info callable" - changed "info methods -defined" into "info methods" - replaced "procsearch <name>" by "info callable -which <name>" - added emulation for procsearch for xotcl1

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
- removed "obj|class info alias"; obsoleted by "info method definition"

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
* info params removed * info instparams removed * added subcommand to "info method args <somename>": similar to "info method parameter ...", but returns only names of parameters instead of full parameter definitions

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- xotcl2: implemented "<cl> info -per-object subcmd" (moved "-per-object" in front of info, since it specifies, what kind of info is requested). As a consequence, XOTclObjInfoMethodMethod() works returns always object specific infos and XOTclClassInfoMethodMethod() class specific infos, no "-per-object" switch for the subcmd required. - cleanup in other subcomds than "info method" and "info methods" required

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- new method named "setter" * <Object> setter <varName> * <|Class> setter ?-per-object? <varName>

- new info method named "method"

* <Object|Class> info method ?-per-object? definition|name|type <methodName>"

* "info method definition" returns full cmds

(e.g. for scripted methods parameters, body, pre- and postconditions)

* fixed proper list handling in AssertionList()

* added tests for "info method" (infomethodtest.xotcl)

- changed method "alias" in xotcl2:

* removed the long list of arguments

".... -cmd -source-object -source-method -source-per-object:switch"

* determine method cmdname via "... info method name <methodName>"

and pass it to alias

- method "parametercmd" and "instparametercmd" are gone (for xotcl2)

we have now

"<Object> setter <name>"

"<Class> setter ?-per-object? <name>"

- added emulation for old "parametercmd" and "instparametercmd" in xotcl1

- method "instforward" is gone (for xotcl2),

we have now

"<Object> forward <name> ... "

"<Class> forward ?-per-object? <name> ... "

- added emulation for old "forward" and "instforward" in xotcl1

- "info body" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

- "info instbody" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

- "info commands" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

- "info instcommands" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

- "info parametercmd" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

- "info instparametercmd" gone, added emulation in xotcl1

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
- new info command for Object and Class: "info alias -per-object -definition name" (similar to "info forward"/"info instforward") should probably be moved into a more general "info method -per-object -definition name" - extended regression test

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- extended genrclAPI to allow enumeration type for nonpos args - changed api of "info methods": added nonpos arg "methodType" possible values: "all", "scripted", "compiled", "alias", "forwarder", "object", "setter" - added compatible scripted "info methods" interface for xotcl1 - "info methods -methodtype alias" not tested and not working

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- moved xotcl-1.* definition into an own library file - renamed library/lib/changeXOTclVersion.xotcl to library/lib/changeXOTclVersion to ease pkgIndex generation - new function "xotcl::use xotcl1" or "xotcl::use xotcl2" to ease switching between xotcl 1 and 2 - changed library/lib/test to xotcl2 - added for all regression test "xotcl::use xotcl1" instead of "namespace import ::xotcl::*"

  1. … 27 more files in changeset.